Oh my - I can't believe that a 4 day weekend has passed already and it was so busy I could use another one right away! Thank goodness for 4 day workweeks!
I am happy to say that I managed to get so much done though! And so much quality family time was had! It was a truly great weekend!
We decided to hit Telus Spark with the girlies for a couple of hours so they could play. They really do love it there and our annual membership is being put to good use! They just love the water table!
Then, after the girlies were in bed and while hubby was editing photos, I set to some serious crafting. I made myself a plethora of new bracelets.
On Saturday we headed into the city with a mission - we had to get the girlies outfitted for winter with new boots and jackets. The major downside of having twins is that there are never lasting handmedowns...anything Buggie outgrows will really only fit Doodle for the next couple of weeks after...
BUT - we hit a great sale at Childrens Place and now they are set...and we might even get a couple of years out of these jackets and boots.
Later that day, we decided to get all dressed up and hit the road to find the perfect location for family photos. I shot some in the yard while hubs loaded the car.
Unfortunately, the light was fading fast and the leaves were vanishing just as quickly...we ended up making a last-ditch effort on a service road near Carseland and snapped this one next to the stinkiest sludge canal...turned out a little too "Sears Portrait Studio" but still not bad given how insane it was time-wise to get them in....
and I got some cute candids of the girlies while he was getting equipment set up....
And my mission after bedtime that night was to get the girlies halloween costumes well in hand. I spotted up Buggies ladybug shell and made a dress (from a t-shirt) and some lovely pompom socks for Dood's Tinkerbell costume.
On Sunday, I made the kids clean the house...I think I need to get them on a weight training program since they complained about the vacuum being too heavy...
and then my folks came down and we had a laid back family day watching movies with the girlies and eating copious amounts of food.
These long weekends always go too fast...as luck would have it, our microwave died first thing in the morning.
Normally, this wouldn't be worth mentioning but this microwave has a story.
We got it as a hand-me-down from one of Hubby's coworkers back in 2005. Cancerhound was a puppy and our fairly new microwave had up and died on us. The hand me down was just going to be an "until we move" thing but by the time we took possession of the new house, we decided to just keep it until it died. It was already 12 years old when we got it so how much longer could it live, right?
Well, then it became a family joke. The microwave that just wouldn't die. We even balked when the realtor asked us last year if we wanted to include the microwave in the sale...we had already decided we wanted to see how long it could go!
But then, on Sunday, the fan would cut out as we were running it and the timer would still count down...then on Monday - the fan just wouldn't come on at all. The microwave was dead. Time for a new one.
But one things for sure - we were sold on Panasonic microwaves. This one lasted exactly 20 years from it's manufacture date!
And now I have this beauty in my kitchen...
and then, we went out to take some more family photos...some that reflect our family a fair bit better :)..these ones are courtesy of hubby.
and my candids:
Whew! I'm exhausted just recapping it all...but what a fantastic weekend it was!