Diaries Magazine

Molave Milk Station

By Synzmemoir @synzmemoir
Molave Milk Station  A couple of weeks ago, my brother brought me to Barili's Molave Milk Station. We are on our way to Moalboal to meet with his office mates  Since we hadn't had our dinner yet, we decided to stop at the Molave Milk Station to eat.
Molave Milk Station My brother order a serving of  Pork Atay [Php 30], Pinakbet [Php 15], Langonisa [Php  3/each] and a couple of rice for both of us. Between these three, I prefer the Pinakbet. Although I'm not a big fan of vegetable, I manage to eat half of the serving.
Molave Milk Station For dessert, my brother ordered their famous ice cream [Php 25]. He ordered chocolate for me, and vanilla for him. I'm a big fan of chocolate ice cream but I was disappointed with this one. The flavor is way different than the chocolate ice cream I imagined. I love the vanilla though. I manage to swap desserts with my brother. Lucky me, he loves me that much to give up his vanilla ice cream to me. :)
Molave Milk Station I love the vibrant color of this place. We had a few minutes to check out the place after dinner. We wanted to visit the Ostrich, but it was already late. So we just keep ourselves busy exploring the place while waiting a bus for Moalboal.
How to get there: Molave Milk Station If you own a private car, you can drive towards south and turn right towards Barili when you arrive in Carcar's Rotonda. Molave Milk Station has a big sign just beside the road so I'm pretty sure you'll never going to miss it. Be mindful of the sign on the right side of the road when you are heading to Barili.
If you're going there by bus, a lot of Ceres bus is available in Cebu South Bus Terminal which leaves every hour. You can ask the bus conductor to drop you off at the Molave Milk Station. Bus fare from Cebu City to Barili would be Php 70 .

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