Fashion Magazine

Modest Outfit of the Day

By Kaidarul @KaiDarul

Hey all! I can’t say I’ve been off blogging coz I was busy with my other blogs. :) Anyway, moving to the point. If Cheesie has Useless Fashion of the Day. I have my Modest Fashion of the Day starting NOW! :) And my hashtag will be #MFOD. Cute eh?

I am hosting my #MFOD on Streamzoo. If you don’t know, it’s like Instagram. Only better! You do not have to crop photos into squares! Huh! More ways to add effects on your photos as well. Super cool! You can also use it on your computers.

It cannot get better than this!!! And you better follow me there. My username is KCAIYAH.

Since I am starting today only, I have fewer outfits for you. And oh, don’t hate on me if I overuse my clothes. I have little wardrobe you know. >.< And I usually wear again and again the clothes that I love wearing.

Modest Fashion of the Day - Lilpink - Kai Darul

1. Polka top, Black Slacks, Pink Hijab, Bag Necklace

Modest Fashion of the Day - Lilpink - Kai Darul

2. Green batwing top, Penshoppe Khaki Pants, Sequinned black hijab, Owl Necklace

Modest Fashion of the Day - Lilpink - Kai Darul

3. Homemade oversized outer top, Generic inner long-sleeved top, Jeans, Brown hijab, White belt, Feather necklace

Modest Fashion of the Day - Lilpink - Kai Darul

4. Teal blazer, tangerine tanktop, Black harem pants, Black and brown striped hijab, brown belt

All photos were taken by my cheap Android phone. So please bear with the resolution. If you are kind enough, you might wanna sponsor me an iPhone 4s or a Galaxy S3.


That’s all for now. Byers!

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