Healthy Living Magazine

MMA Conjugate Method Program .pdf [2024]

By Geoff Griffiths @mmatraining1980

The MMA Conjugate Method seems complicated, but remember it consists of 3 main components:

  • Dynamic exercises
  • Max effort lifts
  • Accessory lifts

This is great for MMA, because you are stressing, and therefore forcing adaptation that builds power, as well as strength.

Rather than a periodised conditioning program, you are able to train all aspects of conditioning all year round.

Day 1: Max Effort Upper Body

ExerciseSetsRepsRest Time

Bench Press (Variation: Incline/Flat/Close Grip)53-53-5 minutes

Weighted Pull-Ups45-82-3 minutes

Overhead Press46-82-3 minutes

Barbell Rows48-101.5-2 minutes

Dips (Weighted if possible)310-121.5-2 minutes

Face Pulls412-151 minute

Core Work (Plank Variations, Russian Twists)320-30 sec1 minute

Day 2: Max Effort Lower Body

ExerciseSetsRepsRest Time

Deadlift (Variation: Conventional/Sumo)53-53-5 minutes

Bulgarian Split Squats (Weighted)48-102-3 minutes

Romanian Deadlifts46-82-3 minutes

Glute Ham Raise or Nordic Curls48-101.5-2 minutes

Front Squats36-82-3 minutes

Core Work (Hanging Leg Raises, Ab Rollouts)312-151-2 minutes

Day 3: Dynamic Effort Full Body

ExerciseSetsRepsRest Time

Box Squat (Explosive)82-31-1.5 minutes

Speed Bench Press (50-60% 1RM, explosive)831-1.5 minutes

Power Clean or Hang Clean52-32-3 minutes

Plyometric Push-Ups46-81-1.5 minutes

Kettlebell Swings412-151.5-2 minutes

Broad Jumps or Box Jumps53-51-1.5 minutes

Core Work (Med Ball Slams, V-Ups)315-201-1.5 minutes

Program Breakdown:

  • Max Effort Days: Focus on building maximum strength through heavy compound movements. This is critical for developing raw power.
  • Dynamic Effort Day: Prioritizes explosive strength and speed, crucial for MMA fighters needing to generate power quickly.

Download the program as a pdf here:

MMA Conjugate Method Program – pdfDownload

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