Photo: Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures / Columbia Pictures / Eon Pictures
No, no, not him! He might look the part but he's just another precious 'luvvie' who would have trouble shaking his vodka martini. (I can say that sort of thing from the safety of Blogdom although I would think twice before saying it to his face!) Anyway the real 'James Bond' looks more like this according to The Telegraph today:

He was a suburban bank clerk called Eric Roberts who lived with his wife and three children in the leafy enclaves of Epsom in Surrey and worked in the Euston branch of Westminster Bank. For reasons which are not made clear in the Telegraph story, before and during the war Mr. Roberts had connections to various pro-Nazi individuals in England and under guidance from MI5 he built up an extensive network of traitorous dupes who passed him secret information believing that Roberts was working for German intelligence and that it would make its way to Berlin.
He has an interesting face, Mr.Roberts, that half-smile indicates a man who might relish a private joke! And he did have one Bond-like characteristic which showed in his choice of sport. He was a member of a ju-jitsu club, as judo was called back in those days. I think I must take bank clerks more seriously in future!