I have spent a lovely weekend here in Shanghai. Despite the heat and 99% humidity I manage to work out, meet up with my friend Alex and Ambra on Saturday and run a super fun class on Sunday!
8 people participated and we made Tomato & Basil bread, Stuffed Mediterranean tomatoes and Peach Ice cream. I will share with you these recipes in the coming weeks
Here are some pictures!
But today is time to make my beloved Green tea ice cream! I just love matcha powder and what better way to eat it if not in gelato!
Here is the recipe
Ingredients (makes 500 gr)
- 2 cups milk (480ml)
- 2 tbsp green tea powder (Matcha)
- 1 cup heavy cream (240ml)
- 6 egg yolks
- 1/2 cup and 2 Tbsp sugar (120g)
In a sauce pan place the matcha powder
then add add 1/4 cup of milk and whisk well (the powder may not dissolve completely). Than add the rest of milk (1 3/4 cups) and mix.
Heat the milk mixture and 1/2 cup of heavy cream at medium heat, and cook until just before boiling.
In a medium bowl, place the rest of the heavy cream (1/2 cup), yolks, and sugar.
Whisk well
Add hot milk very slowly to the egg mixture. Put egg/milk mixture back to the pot and cook at medium heat stirring constantly until thick (to check the thickness, dip a wood spoon in the egg/milk mixture, and check and see if you can scrape a clear line on the back of the spoon with a finger).
Transfer to a container and chill at least 3 hours in the refrigerator
Follow the direction of your ice cream machine and mix.
Serve it immediately or freeze.
Loved it!
- LittleDani