Healthy Living Magazine

Marathon Training Update

By Gjosefsberg @gjosefsberg

I’m three weeks into my marathon training and doing well.  I’m up to 1 hour runs at about 6mph.  I’m using the Galloway technique where I run for 1 mile and then walk for 1 minute.  If you’re curious to read more about it, I would highly recommend Galloway’s site.  In addition to long distance runs on my own, I’m also doing interval training with my wife.  The combination of both of these seems to be working well and I’m slowly improving both my speed and endurance.  I still have the occasional bad day, like last week when I couldn’t finish my hour long run because my ankle was bothering me, but my average performance is improving, and that’s what matters.

Overall, I think I’m on track to my goal of running the marathon in under 5 hours.

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