I hope that everyone is enjoying their Monday so far.
It seems like lately, weekends just tend to fly right on by, and before you know it, it’s already Monday.
Since it’s the first full month of summer, i’m pretty excited about looking for a new place to call home. I am more so leaning towards a condo, or perhaps a town home, right here in L.A.
I feel like when you live somewhere for so long ( if it’s not a house ), you just kind of want a change every now and then.
Back on the east coast, my parents have owned their home ever since I was about 5 years old.
With the heat sometimes being unbearable during hot summer months, more than likely you have horrible air quality flowing throughout your home or apartment, this is currently my case living in L.A, and back east my parents have a huge problem with this as well.
Now, when it comes to knowing much about homes, my dad being the construction superintendent in the family, he knows far more about this topic, then I could ever know, so needless to say, when I found out that it was actually possible to have a clean air system be filtered through your apartment/home, I was estatic, as I also have HORRIBLE allergies, so if there is no clean air, I am not making an attempt to even try to get out of bed.
When I heard about “Door Filter“, I wanted to hear how it could result in being a ‘clean air’ tactic, and what was the overall science behind it.

This is your door filter

This is your replacement air filter
What I love about Door Filter, when I first heard about it, it’s overall meant to help reduce dusts and odors that promote the occurrence of door drafts. They also have a replacement air filter that is a interchangeable filter cartridge system, which reduces odors in your home, pests, and allergens, BEFORE they enter your main living space.
Now, your’re probably wondering, ” Great, a clean air system called Door Filter, but how does it actually work, and what is the science behind it “.

So, lets begin.
Here are the benefits of Door Filter:
+ It reduces unwanted air particles in your home such as:
– Dust & Pet Dander
– Car Exhaust Fumes
– Cooking Odors { even from other units, if you live in an apartment or condo }
– Microbes, Viruses, & Bacteria
– Interim Occupancy Debris
– It also reduces irritants from noise, lights & pests
You can read other benefits on using Door Filter by clicking here

The Science Behind Door Filter:
If you’re living in an apartment or condo that has poor air quality, it has ineffective “Corridor Ventilation Strategy”. Typically, fresh air is pumped into common corridors and then the air makes its way into each apartment unit through the spaces around the unit’s entry door.
When the air finally enters into your unit/the units, so may other irritants like dust, odor, noise, pests, light, and cooking fumes.
So, what is Door Filter?
Door Filter is a dense ABS extension that is fitted and secured to the bottom of the inside face of an apartment/condo entry door and it is actually lined with a door sweep (to seal off units).
A removable multi-stage air filter (charcoal, particulate and microbe) is placed inside the device, allowing small openings in the ABS allowing air to pass through the device and internal filter promoting clean airflow into the apartment unit.
By using Door Filter, it’s not only cost-effective and enhances the existing corridor ventilation system that you have in your unit, but it also improves your indoor air quality and it reduces a variety of air pollutants, while still allowing proper air movement from the corridor to your unit.