Fitness Magazine

Making Sure I Can Still Run...

By Khourianya @khourianya
Me and taper - we have this thing.   First I run the longest run.  Then I pretty much stop running. Start pigging out carb-loading.  Then, I usually get an injury of some sort.  Usually superficial.  Then I have a really bad run.  and then I begin to wonder if I am even capable of running anymore.

Making sure I can still run...

(psst - that 4k & 10k in there were walks...and the 16 had an overall pace of 12:12/km)

check.  (Don't even ask me about 4 Hour Body..I'll be back on the wagon next week)
check. and check. (have you met my new mystery bruise yet?)
Making sure I can still run...

check.  and today was time to add the final check.
And it would also give me a chance to figure out what to wear I took my Oiselle Flyte LS for it's test run.
Making sure I can still run...

After a busy morning at work, the world was trying to conspire against me meeting Katie downstairs.  But I got there and was only a few mins late.
I needed to:
  • check that that bruise wasn't going to cause any issues while running.  I woke up with it on Monday morning and it hurts like hell most of the time but I have no clue how I got it.  I probably tripped on a  toy or something.
  • Make sure the shirt was going to be comfortable and non-chafey for me
  • Brainstorm with Katie what to wear - ok, that one kinda developed mid-run
  • Make sure all of the rest I've been getting during taper had made my naggy knee issue vanish
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY - make sure I still knew how to run.  After Sunday's walk, I need this for my own peace of mind going into Saturday's half.
We headed out and walked a bit before we started running, but once we were running - I felt pretty good.  The bruise didn't hurt.  My knees didn't hurt.  I had a bit of shin pain that went away after the first few mins. 
Apparently I CAN still run!

Making sure I can still run...

(and I CAN still take dorky mid-run photos)

The shirt rocked!
I still have no clue of what to wear (though I think I need to bring my shoes home from work and wear those just to be safe).  I may wear this shirt if it's cold enough, though it is pretty light even if it does warm's a contender.  No clue on pants. I may put up a poll of possibilities later so y'all can help me.
We ran a different loop in Canyon Meadows, which was awesome because then we didn't have to wait at the lights at Anderson to cross over.  5k later we were done and I was rushing off to another series of meetings.
Making sure I can still run...

Making sure I can still run...

Making sure I can still run...
Making sure I can still run...

As for my goals? I dunno - I think the best I can do is just get out there and trust my training and my realities.  Who knows, I might just surprise myself.

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