Other Sports Magazine

Main Event Debut Review

By Neliem @NelieMarie


From Tulsa, Oklahoma the first Main Event Episode took place. A show filled with interviews, a Champion vs Champion match and a tag team match as the main event proved that the show might have some success.

*Winners in Bold

The show kicks off with Michael Cole and The Miz introducing fans into the debut of Main Event. They soon start to talk about the Champion vs Champion match that was next, but before the match both talked about the WWE Champion. Both mentioned how controversial the Champ is and they also mention his quest for respect. After both men talk about the WWE Champion an incredible video package with footage of CM Punk’s is played. Just by looking the video and hearing CM Punk’s words makes you understand him. It also makes you want the DVD.

Following the introduction and CM Punk’s video package the WWE Champion is shown backstage in his locker room. Out of nowhere Matt Striker appears and interviews the WWE Champion. Just like any Monday CM Punk once again talks about the respect he deserves and how by beating Sheamus this night would prove he is the Best in the World. After this Sheamus is showed backstage and Josh Mathews interviews him. Just like Punk he said he would beat the WWE Champion.

After that we got a video package of Sheamus. Loved that they did this because you could see the differences between CM Punk and Sheamus. Sheamus is like an Irish version of John Cena and that’s the way he was portrayed in the video package. He is the kind of man a company like WWE would like to have as Champion, but on CM Punk’s package you could see how he had to fight to be where he’s at.

Champion vs Champion Match—CM Punk w/ Paul Heyman vs Sheamus: A really good match with good back and forward. Is outstanding to see Paul Heyman at ringside, the way he carries the WWE title and all his facial expressions are pure gold. Also the ending sequence made CM Punk look better than Sheamus in my eyes. After noticing that he accidently took the cover for the turnbuckle Punk uses it at his advantage when he used the drop toe hold to make Sheamus fall into the turnbuckle and get the win. This just showed how smart CM Punk is. The aftermath with Sheamus technically saying Punk cheated left a sour taste in my mouth. When Alberto del Rio got screwed Sheamus wasn’t so honorable and he accepted the cheap victory. Also he bullied Big Show on Monday and he is supposed to be respected. In my eyes he is a bigger jerk than Punk, at least CM Punk accepts he is a jerk and doesn’t act like a super hero.

After his victory Paul Heyman and CM Punk are again interrupted this time by Josh Mathews. But this time was Heyman who handled things. Like always Paul delivered on the mic.

Next weeks Main Event for Main Event was announced that it would be Big Show vs Randy Orton. The Big Show is backstage with Matt Striker and he says that next weeks it would be Randy’s first and last time on Main Event.

Tag Team Tournament Match—Santino Marella & Zack Ryder vs Justin Gabriel & Tyson Kidd: Outstanding showing from Tyson and Justin. When the two of them started their tag team Gabriel got injured before things even started and is shame because they are great together. Out of all the new tag teams the two of them are the better Tag Team. Hopefully they will get a chance at some point. Also is shame that Santino Marella got the victory and not Ryder. By the looks of it Zack Ryder isn’t as hot as he was last year.

Overall it was a good show. With the interviews and talks about current storylines makes it feel different than Superstars. On Superstars they talk about guys like Punk and Sheamus and they’re never there now is different. But also another hour of wrestling is too much. Currently WWE has 6 shows and that is too much, but at least one of their shows is directed at kids and that makes it a different market than their other 5 shows. The show was good let’s just see what they show the following weeks.

Final Score: 8.5/10

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