Fitness Magazine

Longest Run Since Goofy

By Khourianya @khourianya
This morning was super cold (-16C when I left the house...nearly died freezing while gassing up the car), but I headed to Calgary to meet up with JS for my 10k long run.
And it was only -12C by the time I got there
Longest Run Since Goofy
So, we met up in Mount Royal with a plan to run out on the Elbow River pathway behind the Stampede grounds in a nice little out and back.   Keeping a nice and easy pace - we had to be careful of the ice across the pathways (it was pretty thick in many places)
Seen on our run:
  • Woodpeckers!  It almost sounded like jack hammering in the stretch between Lindsay Park and Stampede.   We even caught a glimpse of one high up but I didn't think to take a picture.
  • Pretty much an entire men's outfit: jeans, shirt, one running shoe.  I kept expecting a naked dead guy to turn up at every turn behind Stampede.
On the way back - I really had to pee, but this time of year there are no open washrooms and in that area there is not enough cover to drop trou.  So, I endured and called it bladder training :P
Then, with just a few blocks to go, I said "Let's finish strong" and took off like a shot.  JS was soon at my heels and we pushed it to the finish.  I did need to back off a bit after a much too fast start, but we had a really strong finish and my garmin rarely slowed below 5:20/km.  If I could really learn to use my long legs, I think I could smash all of my PBs.
This was my longest long run since Goofy.  Felt good to get some distance in - even if it seemed a bit weird for my 10k training plan to start with a 10k long run.
Super lacking in photos today, but we got our Cori & JS shot at Starbucks where we had a lovely lovely latte and snackies.
Longest Run Since Goofy
Longest Run Since Goofy
Tastes so much better when you earn it.
The Garmin Geekery:
This looks a little on the slow side, but I really did boot 'er for the last 3-4 blocks.  Pretty sure JS didn't know I had that in me! ;)
Longest Run Since Goofy
Longest Run Since Goofy
Longest Run Since Goofy

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