The 30s TVC is finally on the air, 2.5 days, 6 hours of sleep, around 15-20 support talents. I understand that in the post production process lots of the faces I made up didn’t make it into the frame, except for one stretch in particular Ellore’s clip, but I’m cool with that. That’s all across the board and it’s part of my job. The set was AWESOME! What a feat and of course dense little me tried to warn Syke, visual FX shoot supervisor “You guys are going to be cleaning up a lot of cables…” when it happened to deliberately be a SteamPunky theme with golden wiring to embellish the set”DUH”, knock-knock Julia lol. In digital post production, which was what I used to do, you learn to accept the final outcome of the work as approved by the brand and in the end it is being part of an excellent whole that matters to me. The Live Tattoo 30s TVC is embedded at the bottom. The lead talents for the TVC made up by Jigs Mayuga are Saab Magalona, Coach Rio, and Danica Magpantay.
This is Ellore, am glad they got her for a close-up even just for a moment. I’m sure she didn’t expect it. We became good friends on set as we talked into the wee hours of the morning with Syke.I did blur her eyebags a bit in this shot for this still…it wasn’t as bad because it was already edited but to do the photo justice I’m just disclosing that I did. All these support talents had barely a few hours worth of sleep for 2 days, but sometimes that’s just how we roll, folks.