Hair & Beauty Magazine

Lilac Makeup for Nc42 Skin Tone

By Sugandha Choudhary @sugandha04

Hey everybody! Today I am sharing with you a makeup look that is inspired by nature. Spring is here..well summer actually, and I am really moving out the reds and berry lipstick phase and more into hot pinks and plums. Here is my take on lilac inspired makeup for NC42 skin tone. I am mentioning my MAC shade here for reference.

lilac eye makeup

 For this makeup I used two purple/ lilac eye shadows, one lighter for the mobile lid and one slightly darker for the outer v and crease. The key to this look is to seamlessly blend the eyeshadows so that the transition is very smooth. That is what I was going for, you be the judge of how well I managed to do it.

maybelline hot plum lipstick swatch


In the spirit of Spring makeup 2014 I also ditched my black eye liner for a purple one, though I did stick to black mascara for the top lashes, on the bottom ones I did apply a purple/blue mascara, but sadly the camera didnt catch up the color as much as I tried.Here is a closer look at the eye makeup.

Spring time purple makeup
Please excuse my un-groomed eyebrows, I shall refrain from them next time onwards, but for this one I was really itching to do a makeup post sorry!!

I am using two Loreal Infallible eyeshadows for this look which I shall review soon.

My gel eyeliner is from Physician’s Formula gel eyeliner, which I shall really try to review soon.

I made sure to fill my eyebrows , dont forget that girls, makes all the difference to your look.

makeup for brown eyes-003

I am really enjoying curls these days, I know my hair not so much, but its okay, I will be sure to pamper them. I am using a one inch curling iron for these spiral curls. If you want me to do a separate post for that then do let me know.

lilac makeup for indian nc42 skin

The blush is washed out in the light, but I am using NYX CREAM BLUSH in Boho Chic for this look and my favorite bronzer from Physician’s Formula.

 I am also enjoying ombre lips a lot these days. I tried my hands at it earlier but wasnt comfortable wearing it out, but now I am enjoying my subtle wearable ombre lips. They are surprisingly easy to do, not the artisitc ones..the wearable ones.

I shall do a post soon on how I am wearing my ombre lips.

Okie dokes, so that is all for this post, I shall try and do step wise tutorials, I know I havent done those in a while now. Until next time

Tags:bolly, bollywood makeup, girls night out makeup, indian makeup, indian party makeup, mac nc42, makeup tutorials, nc42 skin, purple smokey eyes

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