Books Magazine

Lifestyle|| Reigniting My Love for Writing, the Physical Kind

By Clo Hutch @lashesoflife

When I was a child I loved writing. Scribing away on a little workbook, my latest novel which I thought would be the biggest hit. Sometimes a spin-off from the lion, the witch and the wardrobe. Other times a different version of reality with mythical creatures.

I used to love calligraphy too; my grandma taught me. She had a beautiful set of calligraphy pens and I enjoyed doodling away the hours, with a nib and a pot of ink. Making my letters as curly and beautiful as I liked. I used to be so creative.

But since growing up and moving away from home, I can't remember the last time I got out the paper and a pen and sat there and physically wrote something.

Apart from a shopping list (yes I still write these down manually to have in my pocket). But no poems and pretty script. Nothing creative. That was until two weeks ago, when my love for all things physical was reignited (ok, don't be silly now).

I took part in a calligraphy workshop with Quill London, and a sonnet masterclass with Jacqueline Saphra, all organised by the stationery company Viking. Back-to-back, my creative juices were flowing for about an hour and a half, which is a long time after a full day in the office, but I loved it.

The sonnet writing masterclass introduced us to the rules of a sonnet, before getting us to write sonnets as a group - writing one line and passing it on. This was tough and really got you thinking. But people were just having fun with it which made it really enjoyable. We came up with a few pretty good ones to be fair! Although I'm not sure it's really my calling, I might give a few a go in any spare time.

Lifestyle|| Reigniting my love for writing, the physical kind

Deep in thought - it was tough!

Lifestyle|| Reigniting my love for writing, the physical kind
Lifestyle|| Reigniting my love for writing, the physical kind

Obviously so proud of myself haha

In the calligraphy workshop, we learnt how to hold the pen and write letters, before learning how to join everything up. It brought back the childhood memories, and reminded me how much I enjoyed it. I'm definitely picking this hobby back up! I actually wasn't too bad - perhaps I hadn't forgotten it all!

Lifestyle|| Reigniting my love for writing, the physical kind
Lifestyle|| Reigniting my love for writing, the physical kind

Having a laugh with Kim - It was fun!All the concentration...
Lifestyle|| Reigniting Love Writing, Physical Kind

As you can imagine, all this creativity is hungry work. We enjoyed some delicious buffet food from Bull & Gate too - something you definitely need alongside art time.

Lifestyle|| Reigniting my love for writing, the physical kind
Lifestyle|| Reigniting my love for writing, the physical kind
These beef yorkshires from Bull & Gate were pretty fab - I must be changing my mind on yorkshire puddings!

So this weekend I'm going to get out the snacks, whip out the paper (now I'm finally unpacked from my move), the calligraphy pens and get scrawling.

I want to perfect my curly writing, make it beautiful, so I can start doing my own frames and cards for special occasions. Watch this space.

What creative fun do you have in your spare time?

*I was invited along to an event with Viking. All views my own. Photos by Elouisa Georgiou.

Chloe xx

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