Books Magazine

Lifestyle|| Joining the Guys Night out This Christmas…

By Clo Hutch @lashesoflife

Now let's start with saying one thing, I'm not an expert on joining a guys night out. I don't consider myself "one of the lads". Even though the guys have said I'm pretty much part of the group now. And I certainly don't keep up with the boys. But you don't need to to have fun and make the most of the invite.

I've joined Chris' boys night out several times now - the first occasion being last Christmas. At first, I was so nervous and scared. I'd never met a couple of his best friends, and the first time I was to do so was for pre-drinks and a night out in Hastings. Brutal. But I loved it. I thought I was over the whole dancing, clubbing scene. A little too old. But in fact, I really look forward to these nights. And they tend to be my only late nights out these days, so I really do make the most of them.

If you've been invited or want to get stuck into a guys night out this Christmas, whether it's a boyfriend's friends or just your own, here are some things I learnt...

Lifestyle|| Joining the guys night out this Christmas…

Be friendly and chatty

Just be you. There's a reason your friend/boyfriend has stuck with you. You gel. As he does with his friends. So just try and find the common similarities between you and them - there's bound to be something.

If all else fails, chat about anything and everything. Anything funny that's been all over social or in the news or funny stories about the person in common always sparks a laugh.

But don't feel pressured to keep the conversation going the whole time. Equally, don't feel it's your fault if the conversation stops. It's natural for conversations to have a pause. But it's up to their friends too, and mostly they will try to make an effort too!

Or Dance if you're nervous about keeping the conversation going

This is one of my fave ways to make myself feel more comfortable. Feel like the conversation has stopped or you need a break? Dance. Just get on the dance floor with one other person and dance. The rest may join, and if not, you get that break, a boogie and you might even get to know others throwing a few shapes too.

You don't need to keep up with the drinking

This is important. Especially as guys tend to be able to hold their drink a lot better. Well, most of the time. But honestly, you won't get judged for saying no to a drink. And equally, if you're buying a round you can always get yourself a soft drink disguised as an alcoholic one! Have a breather. You know you more than anyone else does - so stick to your limits and decide what's best for you and what you want to do.

Lifestyle|| Joining the guys night out this Christmas…

Wing woman

Is there someone in the group who's keen to find someone? Play the wing woman. This is actually one of the most fun roles I play. Apparently, so Chris' friends say, guys aren't seen as threatening if there's a girl in the group too.

So we just dance away, and I try to get them closer to girls. I mean, it doesn't always end up with them talking to, or dancing with other girls, but it's quite fun playing along. It also kinda of shows you got their interests in mind too 😉


Oh my gosh. I would have thought that I'd learnt my lesson at uni. But no. Sometimes, especially if I've had a big lunch, I don't think about dinner before going on a night out. It doesn't end well. And even though I try Soak up the alcohol with chips/bread after, it doesn't always do the job.

In line with the above, if you're having a heavy night you need to make sure you've eaten. You don't want the alcohol going straight to your head, and having to end your night early. Super embarrassing when you're not out with your own friends.

Have fun. Let your hair down

This is most important. After all, it's your night out too. Enjoy yourself! Have a few drinks, get on the dance floor (or not), have a laugh and make the most of the night out. They definitely come less often a you grow up.

There you have it, my tips for joining the guys night out this Christmas. Do you join your boyfriend/friend's evening? What tips would you give someone who has to do this for the first time this Christmas?

Chloe xx

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