Liebster award
The Rules1. Post 11 facts about you.
2. Answer the 11 questions set by the blogger who nominated you.
3. Nominate 11 blogs under 200 followers.
4. Link your nominees to the post.
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
6. Let the nominees chosen know they have been tagged.
11 Facts about Me
1. I am 22 years old, and I will be 23 on Boxing Day!! :( (Nobody likes you when you're 23 - guess the quote!)
2. I currently work as a merchandiser on the fashion department at John Lewis.
3. My plan is to find work experience/a job within editorial design.
4. I studied Writing Fashion and Culture at Southampton Solent University, where I got a 2:1 degree!
5. I AM GOING TO GLASTONBURY 2015! I also went to Glastonbury 2014 and it was amazing!
6. I love cups of tea, but they have to be made right!
7. My boyfriend and I have been together for just over 4 years!
8. I have a Japanese Akita called Millie and she is the best dog ever, but she is so soppy it's ridiculous. People often get a bit scared of her because she's quite big and looks like a 'wolf' apparently, but she wouldn't hurt a fly!
9. I live at home, in the middle of nowhere and it sucks - definitely a city girl not a country girl!
10. When I'm eating anything bread/dough based, you know I'm full when I start eating the crust.
11. I have mild dyslexia and dyspraxia, which makes my diary and spell check is my best friends.
Questions from Ashlie
1. Are you a nude or red kind of lipstick girl?
I actually don't know, I really want to get into lipstick!
2. Trousers, Skirts or Dresses?
Trousers, then dresses then skirts.
3. Do you prefer a flat shoe or heels?
Heeled boots please.
4. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Hearing people eat and generally noisy eaters!
5. Pizza or Pasta?
PASTA! Carbs carbs carbs <3
6. What career goals do you have? To become a successful editorial designer.
7. Fashion or Beauty?
Fashion, but I would like to get into beauty more.
8. What is your favorite TV show?
New girl and Parks and Recs
9. What would your 3 wishes be?
To achieve my dreams.
For my family to be happy.
To have less money issues.
10. What's the best thing you've ever done?
Completed my degree, with a 2:1
11. What was the best holiday you ever went on and why?
Florida 2012, with my friend, it was our first holiday without our parents and it was just a fun filled two weeks.
I couldn't nominate 11 blogs under 200 followers, so I have 5, hopefully you guys can think of a few more than me!
Daisy - Daisy Churchward
Elise - Style Standfirst
Conny - Floral Chaos
Gemma - Gemma Carey Fashion
Anna - Made Up Style
My questions for you are...
1. What is your favorite thing to do on a lazy Sunday afternoon?
2. Topshop or River Island?
3. Faux fur coat or leather jacket?
4. Name one thing in your wardrobe you couldn't live without?
5. What's your favorite holiday? (Christmas, Halloween, New Years etc)
6. Who is your fashion idol?
7. What item are you most coveting the most right now?
8. What is your most played song on spottily/itunes right now?
9. Vintage or new?10. When did you start your blog?
11. Which Witch is which?
Hopefully you know more about me, and I hope to find out more about you too!