Healthy Living Magazine

Let It Be – Herbal Tea Review

By Geoff Griffiths @mmatraining1980

Let it Be Tea contains:

lemon balm, blackberry leaves, green oat, elderflowers, marigold, sunflowers, cornflowers and roseflowers.

If you are stressed out then Lemon Balm has long been established as a highly effective, natural remedy to help you relax.  Also known by the slightly less catchy name of “Melissa officinalis”, there is now a plethora of research backing it’s ability to induce physical and mental relaxation. Interestingly, studies also show that it enhances memory but reduces alertness.

Green oat may also have some potential in terms of increasing cognitive function (study here), whilst elderflower is often used for hayfever, sinusitis and flu symptoms

The tea is definitely relaxing, I’d say it’s certainly one for the evening when you are chilling out; I sleep like a log after a cup.

You can buy from the Pixie Nook

Let it Be – Herbal Tea Review

Recommended for recovery and sleep

Not great for a pre-workout or anything like that!

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