I normally just post these short notes onto my
facebook page, however I thought it was kind of blog worthy. As you know I am using a lot of essential oils lately. We use them for:
- removing toxins
- boosting immunity
- fighting colds, infections etc.
- migraines, headaches
- stomach upsets
- cleaning products
- skin care
- oral health
- cooking
- bug repellent
- etc...
Today was so pleased to use my lemon oil on a stubborn stain. My children definitely get their clumsiness honestly from their mama's side. I am always after them about staining their clothes, but I am not much better. Yesterday I was rather disappointed to find either grease or paint on my khaki capris. I threw them in the wash but the stain came out looking the same. So I added a little lemon oil to them rub it through with a little water and let set them out in the sun for a couple hours. Viola!
There are over 100 other uses for lemon essential oil. So when you aren't getting out tough stains here are a few other things you can do with lemon:
- detoxing your body
- boosting mood
- household cleaner
- mouthwash
- fight acne
- clean fruits and vegetables
- house air freshener
- clean cuts and wounds
- relieve sore throat
- remove gum from hair