Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Leaves Of Health

By Slherrmann

Leaves Of Health

G'morning everyone....Welcome to Monday.
We all know how wonderful flowers are visually, the scent of their perfume; we even know they can heal, but did you know the leaves can heal us as well? Read on for your reference chart for Healing Leaves...

Leaves Of Health

Leaves Of Health
Dandelion (taraxacum officinalis)
The first leaves of this familiar weed can be added to a green salad for a nutritious spring tonic. They are rich in minerals, especially iron and potassium, and vitamins A, B, C and D. The leaves have powerful detoxifying actions. Bitter compounds in the leaves stimulate digestive juices, which regulates digestion. dandelion's diuretic actions treat cellulite, water retention and urinary infections. Dandelion reduces uric acid, which relieves gout and arthritis. It is a blood-building herb that is helpful for anemics, strengthens circulation and reduces cholesterol.
Leaves Of Health
Vervain (verbena officinalis)
The leaves of this slender herb are a tonic for 21st-century living. Their gentle relaxant action is a remedy for anxiety, nervous tension and depression. Their use strengthens the nervous system in cases of nervous exhaustion. Vervain can treat colds and fever headaches and helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. It strengthens digestion and supports the function of the liver, making it an excellent herb for convalescents. It can also stimulate the production of milk in nursing mothers. One of vervain's most important uses, however, is as a tonic for the nervous system, helping you to get going again after an illness and preventing nervous exhaustion or breakdown.
Leaves Of Health
Feverfew (tanacetum parthenium)
This herbs name is derived from its ability to lower body temperature, cooling fevers. Its natural protection against migraine is due to to parthenolides that tighten the cerebral blood vessels. Taken at the beginning of an attack,it reduces severity and associated symptoms, such as dizziness and vomiting. Feverfew helps rheumatoid arthritis by inhibiting the formation of prostalandins and leukotrienes that cause inflammation. The herb has also been used as a woman's tonic for thousands of years to stimulate the uterus.
Leaves Of Health
Lady's Mantle (alchemilla vulgaris)
Lady's mantle has been prized by women for many centuries. It has been cultivated in kitchen gardens as well as collected from meadows and moorlands. Taken as a decoction or infusion, lady's mantle helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce the flow of heavy periods. It is often used to treat vaginal itching, fibroids and endometriosis.
Lady's mantle has a decongestant action on the liver, and its astringent properties make it helpful for treating diarrhea and gastroenteritis. An ointment preparedd from the leaves serves to staunch blood flow from wounds. It also makes a cream to dry up weeping eczema.
Leaves Of Health
Watercress (nasturtium officinale)
Watercress has nutritious leaves packed with minerals and vitamins. They make a healthy addition to salads, boosting mental and physical  vitality, mental and physical vitality. Watercress is thought to enhance stamina. It reduces mucus production in respiratory  infections and is an expectorant for chesty coughs. It stimulates digestion by enhancing enzyme secretions. externally, it treats eruptive skin infections and reduces pimples.
Leaves Of Health
Coltsfoot (tussilago farfara)
Having been uses as a traditional cough syrup for thousands of years, coltsfoot remains one of the best remedies for stubborn coughs. A decoction or syrup is an effective decongestant and is antiseptic for respiratory ailments, including bronchitis and asthma. Its anti-inflammatory action soothes the respiratory tract. It is an expectorant for the treatment of chronic coughs that can linger for weeks.
Coltsfoot is rich in zinc, which is used by the body to boost immunity to infection. The fresh leaves, applied as a poultice are useful fr sores and wounds that are slow to heal. coltsfoot is anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and stimulant for the immune system.
Leaves Of Health
Yarrow ( achillea millefolium)
The leaves of yarrow are packed with healing volatile oils, tannins and resins. These give the herb a vast array of applications. Yarrow is an ideal ointment for cuts and bruises. It staunches bleeding, is antiseptic and contains silica, which promotes tissue repair. Its bitter compounds regulate digestion and stimulate the liver and gall bladder. It stimulates circulation, lowers blood pressure, improves varicose circulation and tines varicose veins. A remedy for chickenpox and measles, yarrow helps to bring out the rashes in eruptive diseases.
Leaves Of Health
Shepherd's Purse (capsella bursa-pastoris)
This tiny, annual, wayside wild plant is easily overlooked, yet it has potent properties for preventing hemorrhages. It was employed during the First World War for treating major wounds. It stems internal and external bleeding and is useful for treating nosebleeds and blood in the urine.
Shepherd's purse is an astringent disinfectant for the urinary tract, giving relief from cystitis, diarrhea nd dysentery as well as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and their similar upsets of the bowel. It also constricts the blood vessels, helping to regulate blood pressure and promoting healing action. It is valued for its ability to cool fevers.
Leaves Of Health
Burdock (arctium lappa)
A traditional cleansing tonic, burdock leaves detox the digestion and skin by enhancing the elimination of waste products. It has antibiotic and antifungle properties and s an effective healer for cold sores, ringworm and athlete's foot. It heals boils rashes and chronic skin inflammation, and speeds recovery from infections such as mumps, measles nd chickenpox. It re-establishes a healthy bacteria population in the gut after antibiotics.
Leaves Of Health
Agrimony (agrimonia eupatoria)
The leaves of this meadow herb were once used as a battle herb for healing the wounds of our ancestors, sustained on the battlefield,. The astringent leaves staunch bleeding and encourage blood to clot. Use them to treat skin sores ulcers, minor wounds, eczema and skin inflammations.
An infusion is astringent to sore throats and make an effective eyewash for conjunctivitis. Taken internally, agrimony is a gently cleaning diuretic. It fortifies the kidneys, liver and gall bladder assisting the assimilation of food. Its use reduces the risk of stomach ulcers. Agrimony is also believed to help strengthen and tone body muscle.
Leaves Of Health
Yellow Dock (rumex cripis)
The stout leaves of this perennial weed are used for their revitalizing detoxing properties,. Doc is cooling an healing for inflamed skin conditions. Wash with a decoction for weeping eczema and psoriasis, boils ulcrs and fungal skin infections. An infusion will mobilize a congested circulation and chronic lymphatic congestion. It is a tonic for the liver, helping the body to overcome debility and lethargy. Use for cystitis water retention, constipation, as well as rheumatic conditions, ulcers and gum infections and as a gargle to heal sore throats and laryngitis.
Leaves Of Health
Betony (stachys officinalis)
The aromatic, slightly hairy leaves of betony were used as a tonic in anglo-Saxon medicine. They are employed today in the relief of headaches and neck pain. The herb relaxes the nervous system and gives calming relief to stress and nervous tension, often the cause of headaches.
Leaves Of Health
Nettle (urtical dioica)
Nettle leaves as a vegetable or in a soup are a natural, nourishing food. They are rich in vitamins and minerals including vitamins A ad C, iron, potassium and silica, and are  restorative for anemic and convalescents. Nettle's diuretic properties cleanse the urinary tract, giving relief from fluid retention, cystitis and kidney stones. It is astringent for the respiratory system, clearing nasal congestion from viruses, hay fever and asthma.
Leaves Of Health
Plantain (plantago ianceolata)
Plantain leaves have healing properties for respiratory ailments. They  are antiseptic and reduce the secretion of mucus. Use them to treat colds and flu, bronchial infections,glue ear and pneumonia. They are also helpful at drying congestion in chronic  allergic conditions, such as hay fever  and asthma
Plantain is soothing for stomach and bowel infections. It is a remedy for cystitis urethritis, and urinary infections. It relaxes digestive spasms, relieving heartburn ad flatulence. Its laxative action relieves chronic constipation and Iritable Bowel Syndrome. Plantain is rich in silica and zinc, which stem bleeding. Use as first aid for minor injuries.
Leaves Of Health
Silverweed (potentilla anserna)
The toothed leaves of this widespread plant are rich in healing ellagitannin, flavonoids and bitters. Silverweed is a potent astringent and is anti-inflammatory for the respiratory and urinary tracts. It can be employed to treat diarrhea and gastroenteritis ad is a remedy for painful menstruation. A decoction of silverweed has been used in the pat to staunch minor cuts and wounds.
Leaves Of Health

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