Wow - it's Wednesday and I have finally found a couple of minutes to write about my long run last weekend. When will life stop being so busy? Don't answer that - I think it might make me cry.
I met up with Tina on Sunday to run my last long run before Hypo Half on Saturday. 10k. That's it. Easy peasey. Didn't matetr how cold it was because HEY! It's only 10k.
But I still bundled up. Even wore my snowflake socks over my two pairs of tights (-15°C is still pretty cold)
Love those socks!
Tina was a little late so I killed time until she got there and then we were off. We thought we would just head down to Edmonton trail - cross over and then up to crowchild and back. A nice little loop...but when we got to the bridge - I needed a washroom so we decided to keep going a bit further to the public bathrooms in the East Village and then alter the loop to the zoo and back. But then the washrooms were CLOSED! WHAT?!
So Tina suggested we just run into Inglewood and use the washrooms at the Starbucks. So that's what we did.
and then I suggested that we needed to fuel up. So THIS happened
and then this
Nicely energized from all of the ginger and molasses - we just kept running down 9th. and then at the 5k mark - we turned around and came back.
When we got to the East Village, Tina decided she wanted a photo of the paper airplane statue so we stopped for some pics.
That statue is pretty hard to capture from the ground so I went in search of a better vantage point for her. I climbed up onto one of the lounge chairs and then decided the next chair woul dbe better...
and then WHOOOOPSIE! Next thing I knew I had slid down the chair and onto the ground with an elegant THUNK!
Tina turned in alarm at the noise and then started laughing as hard as I was sprawled out on the ground...and started snapping....
I wasn't hurt - just laughing att he ridiculousness of the situation! We carried on and 2k later we were done.
Considering I didn't pause my watch for the starbucks break or the photo ops - I think this is a pretty good time for a 10k long run. We could probably knock a good 15 mins off.
Now for the real I believe I am ready for Hypothermic Half this Saturday?
er...hell no. I am so undertrained it isn't even funny. and I don't care. How sad is that? I am prepared to walk this one if I have to. My goal is to finish and be uninjured going into marathon training. So far I'm uninjured. I may not have trained very well for it and most of my winter runs have been on the treadmill this year, but I will earn my snowflake medal and call it a day. I just have to hope I don't get sick between now and Saturday. Keep your fingers crossed for me. and for the weather to change. -22°C doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun.
and starting Monday - I will be a much better marathoner-in-training. THAT is the race I really need to rock this year.