I haven’t climbed in almost a year now (remarkable, i know. It might change soon.) For some reason I’m feeling a lot of nostalgia for Rocklands (a climbing area in the Cederberg mountains of South Africa. Also, home of Rooibos tea–which actually can’t be grown anywhere else because it needs Cederberg soil bacteria).
When I’m asked where the best place i’ve traveled to is I often say Rocklands, even though it’s less than four hours from where I grew up. We visited three times during our road-trip staying for about eight months in total, living in sprawling tent cities, caravans and various communal farm houses. We participated in a kind of pagan ritual of extreme physical advancement, tribal collectivity, fire-cooked animal flesh, and appreciation of ze natural [as Fred Nicole would put it]. We were surrounded by some of the kindest, warmest and most inspired savages I’ve encountered and I am pretty sure I will count these times as some of the happiest of my life.
So I started this blog post at the time I wrote the SA Mountain article to share the pictures with people outside of SA and include some that didn’t make the article.
Photographers are Dylan Wyer, David Mason, Mina Leslie-Wujastyk, James Kassay, Micky Wiswedel, Nathan Gerhardt, Nicky Ceria, Rus Vakrilov, Sam Davis, James Barnes, Courtney Miyamoto, Carolyn Wegner, Angie and myself. You all agreed a long time ago that I could post these (or I think you’re cool like that) but let me know if that changed and I’ll promptly take down anything inappropriate.
Also, many of these are of projecting, not sending, and some like Amandla and Sky remain unsent projects (sniff). Maybe this post will motivate me to do something about that.
Lastly we lost all our pictures from the main part of the trip when Angie was around climbing. The pics below were mostly taken right at the end of the season when it was just me. So no Angie I’m afraid :-(
So without further adieu, I give you a much overdue collective photo essay on La Rocklands 2014:

Rainbow over the Sassies: Rus Vakrilov

Mina Leslie Wujastyk on Barracuda: David Mason

Me on Barricuda: Dylan Wyer

Me on Barricuda: Dylan Wyer

Claire Langmore: James Kassay Collection

James Kassay at Fields of Joy: James Kassay Collection

De Pakhuys: Me

Claire Langmore: James Kassay Collection

Nicky Ceria on Green Mamba: Nicky Ceria Collection

Me on Green Mamba: Sam Davis

Me on Green Mamba: Micky Wiswedel

David Mason Collection

Flowers after rain: Me

James Kassay on King of Limbs: James Kassay Collection

Josh Muller on King of Limbs: Nathan Gerhardt

Donkeys on the road to Wuppertal: Me

Me on Derailed: Angie

Me on Derailed: Angie

Rockstock: Me

Nicky Ceria on Power of One: Nicky Ceria Collection

Nicky Ceria on Golden Shadow: Nicky Ceria Collection

Walking to the Rhino: Rus Vakrilov

Me on El Corazon: James Barnes

Cody Roth on Steakhouse: Me

Me on Shosholoza: Dylan Wyer

Me on Shosholoza: Rus Vakrilov

Me on Shosholoza: Rus Vakrilov

Me on Shosholoza: Rus Vakrilov

Me on Shosholoza: Dylan Wyer

Dylan Wyer on Shosholoza: Rus Vakrilov

Oranges on the way to Southern Cedarberg: Me

Marijus Smigleskis on Derailed: Me

View from the pass: Rus Vakrilov

Emma Twyford on Kingdom in the Sky: David Mason

David Mason on Creaking Heights: David Mason Collection

Max on Witness the Sickness: Rus Vakrilov

Looking up at the pass: Rus Vakrilov

Night exposure: Rus Vakrilov

Me on Big Short: Dylan Wyer

Me on Industry of Cool: Dylan Wyer

Me on Industry of Cool: Dylan Wyer

Me on the Rhino: Dylan Wyer

View from the main farmhouse at Alpha: Rus Vakrilov

Me on Roof on Fire: Dylan Wyer

Me on Amandla: Dylan Wyer

Me on Amandla: Dylan Wyer

Me on Amandla: Dylan Wyer

Me on Amandla: Dylan Wyer

Mina Leslie-Wujastyk on Joseph Malbos: Me

Charles Bradshaw on Minky: Me

Me on The Vice: Carolyn Wegner

The pass: Angie

Protea: Angie

Fields of Elysium: Angie

Fridi Krispel on Pendragon: Me

Me on Hatchling: Micky Wiswedel

Me on Mooiste Meisie: Micky Wiswedel

Me on Mooiste Meisie: Micky Wiswedel

Trusty camper: Me

Me on Sky: Micky Wiswedel

Me on Sky: Micky Wiswedel

Matt Fultz on Sky: Nathan Gerhardt

Me on Madiba: Micky Wiswedel

Me on Madiba: Micky Wiswedel

Me on Madiba: Micky Wiswedel

Fields of Joy: Me

Nelly on Slash and Burn: Rus Vakrilov

Nelly on Slash and Burn: Rus Vakrilov

Me unicycling with Grant: Coutney Miyamoto

Night exposure: Rus Vakrilov
In case you missed it, here’s the video from the trip.