Fitness Magazine

Killing Hills with Tina

By Khourianya @khourianya
Today it was time to hit the hills again and I was so thrilled to have a buddy for the long slog :)  Six hills in the noon sunshine.

Killing Hills with Tina

Lookit Tina GO!!!!

I tried to snap a pic of me too...but it was rated too bad for blogging and was quickly deleted.  And given that I have posted some pretty bad pics here over the life of my blog - that should tell you how bad that selfie really was!
We found a pace bunny for part of the run :)  He was taking those hills at a pretty irresponsible speed so we didn't even try to keep up.
Killing Hills with Tina

It was a perfect day for a run.  My shin complained a little and my knee complained a little more, but otherwise I felt great...and when all was said and done, I had 5.5km worth of mileage done!
Killing Hills with Tina

and had a chance to run with this awesome lady, which is always a treat!
Killing Hills with Tina

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