Family Magazine
Reality still hasn’t set in for me that just the other day I caught a flight to Sydney exclusively for the Kids Business Blogger Brunch in the very scenic Centennial Park. I actually did have a moment when we were sitting through speeches where I felt a massive wave of mixed emotions (mainly happiness) that my blog has taken me to where it has today- my first thoughts when starting a blog was “eh who wants to hear what I have to say anyway, like really?” And here I was in the beautiful sunny 37 degree Sydney escaping Melbourne’s unpredictable weather.
The bloggers brunch for me is a great opportunity to meet more bloggers like myself and really walk away with friends. I did go to the Melbourne event but it was my first one and I was quite quiet and didn’t know what to expect or do, so this time around was very different for me. I really put myself out there and spoke to almost every single blogger in that room as well as the faces representing the brands.
The ever so funny Kimba from Kimba likes, myself and the beautiful Mez from Domestic Divinity.
I find this is the best place to get in contact with brands for potential working relationships with the blog and Friday I walked away with a handful of business cards that I will be contacting in regards to working with them further with campaigns and up comings with my blog.
Some of the brands that were at Sydney’s blogger brunch included:
Arnott’s Shapes with their brand spanking new Light and Crispy range, which are like original Shapes only 10 times better! They have 75% less fat then the normal shapes and in my opinion have a better crunch and texture in your mouth. Love these so much, and can’t wait to dig into the rest of my samples J
Oliving by Hans provided us with delicious lunch and food throughout the day. They also had a fantastic stand with their tastier and healthier deli selections, which actually use olive oil. Unfortunately though I was unable to take any samples with me home to try as I am not sure how well they would have kept on the plane and if I could even take them with me (it was already embarrassing enough to take through the mixture of goodies and having my bag searched haha).
AVG was also there and is a brand I used to use when I had a normal desktop and actually had no idea that I needed security protection for my Macbook as I thought they couldn’t have problems :-/ well wasn’t I wrong. I will be looking at getting protection as I cant afford to loose all my precious blogger documents once again ;-(
Omo and Jif filled the room with the beautiful aroma of freshly washed clothes- my favorite type. And was a little worried I wouldn’t be able to take samples home to try, but luckily for me (with a little help) I managed to get them in my carry on, although pretty sure it would have been over 10kg; whoops.
Only Organic were there with their range of little one products, although this mumma would have been more then happy to devour a packet of their carrot rice cakes now that is for sure. But I was surprised to learn that they had a kindy range suited to my older children, which I didn’t know. See this is exactly why I think events like this are very beneficial as an email sometimes doesn’t do enough justice to a brand or even a blogger.
Infasecure had me wanting to take a nap after an early morning to catch my flight and a terrible taxi ride to the event. Their brand NEW the Evolve child restraints looked oh so comfortable and are a must have for any Mum who is looking for a product that will last them more then a few months through their child’s life. As you can see by the photo, it looks like the little one will be sleeping in a cloud while traveling safely in the car. I really want this on my list for Madison and also to have when the next one comes along J
Breville and I go wayyy back now and seems we are forever bumping into each other haha. No but on a serious note Breville had their Boss on show making up some delicious treats for us to try including a mango sorbet and green smoothie (my fave). I was even lucky enough to be able to take out a runners up prize, going home with a Breville Juicer- although I still have to wait for it to arrive in the mail as there was no possible way for me to smuggle it in the plane! Top of my Christmas wish list is certainly the Boss, after all where have you even been able to argue with the boss?
Oricom were there as well with a wide range of products to have a little looksee at and actually turned out to be one of the busier stands for the morning. I did sneak in there quickly to have a little look and fell in love with their rubber duck thermometer. Their baby monitors are high on my priority list now to be able to keep an eye on my little ones, and little ones to come.
Brumby’s also made an appearance with all their super divine Christmas treats. And anyone that knows me knows I am a sucker for Christmas themed anything! So when I saw this stand I knew I had to situate myself somewhere around there (although I didn’t as I knew I would be way to tempted to eat my weight in baked goods).
And last but certainly not least there was Dyson. Another one I saw at the Melbourne Blogger’s Brunch but this time they had the opportunity to try out one of their new stylish fans. I couldn’t sign up for this though as it was just an extra thing I would have to try and get on the plane L I did however escape the Sydney heat by plonking myself in front of their fans taking in the nice cool breeze. I love the fact that their fans have remote controls, which would mean for me there would be no early am wake ups to turn the fan off as I am freezing my buttocks off.
Working it for the camera :-) This was not my own photo, credit goes to madcowsdiary on instagram.
I honestly cannot speak highly enough of the Kids Business Blogger’s Brunch and so glad to have them apart of my blogging network, they have been a great asset to the growth and networking of my blog.
Thanks so much Christie and team for having me, I can’t wait until we catch up again.