I have honestly and truly found a game changer when it comes to hair and curls. Recently I was sent a Luxcurly to try out and see what all the fuss was about. I have never in my life with my long hair been able to properly conquer a curling wand. So I didn’t know if this would be accomplishable or if I was doomed from the beginning.
This is 110% the curling iron for dummies, you CANNOT go wrong no matter what you do… Unless maybe if you hold the wand in one spot for too long and your hair
all snaps off from the heat, but that is unlikely unless you go overboard. Packaging When this package first arrived I was quite impressed with the box. It isn’t tacky or overwhelming, instead it is plain, sleek and very stylish. Then when you open it up the wand is beautifully presented and in there nice and snug to avoid any damage to the wand. Once you take the wand out, behind where it was sitting are the words- beautiful hair is just a touch away. First ImpressionThe wand looked super easy to use and to be completely honest with you I didn’t even have to read any instructions. I have used straighteners and curling wands a heap load so knew pretty much what to do as they are all the same. I liked the quality of the Luxcurly and it didn’t look like something cheap and horrible that was going to sizzle your hair upon contact. Using the LuxcurlyYou literally plug it in, turn it on, set a temperature, wait a very short while for it to heat up, clamp your hair and press either the R for Right or L for Left button depending on which way you wanted the curl. Look 1It is just that easy, no catched or anything. Loves of the LuxcurlyThe things I like about the Luxcurly is that once you press either L or R you know, which way the barrel will roll automatically. But with the traditionaly curling wand your wouldn’t find out until you have started rolling and by then it is too late or too hard to change directions. And when I feel game to change it I end up burning my neck or fingers in the process. Look 2One thing you do need to be aware of though, is with the Luxcurly it is very easy to accidently press the R or L button once the hair has been curled, which will result in the wand tightening right to your scalp, which I did a couple of times. Look 3Another thing I love about the luxcurly is after 60minutes the device will turn itself off if it hasn’t been used- which is great for this forgetful Mummy who could easily burn the bathroom down with a straightener or curler haha.Two Sizes- There are two sizes with the Luxcurly the 28mm barrel, which is suited for medium and long hair. Then there is the 25-13mm barrel, which is suitable for shorter hair or fine hair.A bit about Luxcurly from the brand itself.Luxcurly uses ceramic and tourmaline coated barrel with PTC heater to ensure the efficiency of heat production, steady and even heat distribution. It also helps to minimise the hair damage caused by the heat.Both are equipped with LCD temperature display and its control buttons. This enables the customer to change the temperature for the optimum result depending on each individual. The temperature is set at 180° C but the maximum is 220°C.The spinning bi‐plated cylinder and the directional buttons result in the auto rotating function. It helps to curl the hair up to the root without turning the hand or wrist in uncomfortable position. It minimises the manual labor thus shortens the styling time. Luxcurly is also equipped with 360 degree rotating power cord to avoid tangled cable. Is it worth purchasing? This is my friend Kate and I after 6 hours at VAMFF.. And 6 hours since I put the Luxcurly to my hair! What do you think?Heck yeah, like I said above this device is honestly a game changer. Where it would usually take me at least an hour or more to curl my hair the luxcurly did it within 20mintues or maybe even less. Gone are the days of my everyday buns and I am now embracing the curl.www.luxcurly.com.auFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/luxcurlyInstagram: luxcurly_au