Two hefty examples of lunacy today. First we had the Cocklecarrots at the so-called 'Supreme Court' (it isn't 'supreme' because the European Court over-rules it so they should be sued under the Trade Descriptions Act!) have allowed human rights laws to apply to cases of death and/or injury incurred during active service operations. Thus, any 'Tom', or his family, may now reach for m'Learned & Now Even Wealthier Friends to seek redress in the courts if, in their view, someone, anyone, made a mistake and sent their 'loved one' into action with anything less than the very latest and best equipment. How one proves that this or that is indeed the very best I do not know. What I do know is that the Cocklecarrots on the non-Supreme Court could do with a six month tour in Afghanistan to learn the reality of soldiering as it is today and indeed as it has been for evermore.
The next nincompoop I saw on my TV today was some female halfwit who, God help us, actually sits in the House of Lords. Baroness Kramer, for it was she, waffled and piffled on behalf of the ill-conceived, in fact, totally useless, recommendations of a Parliamentary enquiry into banking practices and ways in which "reckless bankers" (their words) can be charged with a criminal offense if their decisions bring about a collapse in the bank for which they are responsible. Again, like the arrant nonsense exhibited by the Justices, their proposals only merit about 25 seconds of thought to see how useless, irrelevant and morally wrong they are. Banks are not run by dictators, although their chief executives might be very strong-minded men (as most leaders are - except in politics!) but they can only act with the agreement of their other directors, the chairman of the board, senior executives, independent auditors and their own legal department. On top of that there are government-run watchdogs, the Bank of England and, finally, whoever is Chancellor of the Exchequor and the Prime Minister of the day. All of those people are a party to big decisions made by banks. Are they all to be hauled before the courts? Well, if so, then perhaps it isn't quite such a bad idea because the first two men in the dock should be Brown & Balls! Anyway, on checking Kramer the Krackpot who looked vaguely familiar I learn that she is a member of the il-Lib-non-Dem party - need I say more?