Yes, of course, there are several other reasons but I will concentrate on just two of them - the IRS scandal and the shooting dead of a black youth in Ferguson, Mo.
In America, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), their equivalent of Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs, possesses draconian powers such that individual citizens treat it with extreme caution, not to say, outright fear. Once you come to their attention, apparently, you could write off the next year or two of your life dealing with the tsunami of papework they will unleash on you and which must be responded to without fail - or else! If found guilty of an infringement, the penalties, too, can be drastic. Well, I guess, that is more or less a description of all tax collecters everywhere and, needless to say, they will always concentrate on middle-class softies because they make easier targets!
I will not rehearse all the details of the recent scandal in which it is strongly - and, boy, do I mean strongly! - suspected that the IRS management, via its union-dominated and Democrat party sympathising links, has deliberately targeted active Republican organisations and individuals for close examination. Everyone, from President 'Perfection', down through various layers of the White House apparat, right through the so-called Attorney-General's office (the highest legal office in the land) and his Dept. of Justice (who sniggered?) and including the top levels of the IRS management have, to put it simply, lied and lied and lied again.
The main culprit (so far!) has been a Ms. Lois Lerner, a hatchet-faced lying-liar whose first act before a Congressional committee was to 'plead the fifth', a tradition upheld over the decades by every mafia gangster ever caught by the Feds. The committee asked her for copies of her e-mails and, you'd never guess what, they had all been, er, eradicated by a breakdown in her computer system. Well, not exactly "all", just those during the period when information was required! Then, along trooped a medley of top brass from the IRS, including the boss-man himself, who confirmed that e-mails had been 'accidentally' eaten by the dog wiped out due to a computer glitch and, desperately sorry though they were there was no way of resurrecting them because absolutely no copies existed anywhere.
Happily, an organisation called Judicial Watch which has been pursuing the IRS through the courts had its case put up before Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, a tenacious judge known to show no fear or favour when it comes to investigating government departments. So finally, a DoJ lawyer has admitted that copies of Ms. Lerner's e-mails do exist because apparently absolutely all Federal e-mails are saved in a special programme introduced decades ago to cover for the possibility of a major catastrophe and possible collapse in government systems. However, the IRS is now saying that it is far too complicated to try and find these e-mails so they do not intend to look. Well, good luck with that one in front of Judge Sullivan! And then there is the 'little' matter of all the top IRS brass swearing under oath that no copies existed.
I cannot stress strongly enough that that all this villainy has not arisen with just one or two rogue officials in the IRS. Their actions were encouraged at the highest level of government and the subsequent cover-up - let's just call it by its proper name, lying - was endorsed, if not led, by the White House including the President. In other words the power of supposedly neautral Federal authorities has been subverted to the domestic politics of the Democrat party. If this goes unpunished, by both the judiciary and the people in the ballot box, then as far as I am concerned, once-proud America has now declined to the level of a third world cartel country.
(Alas, I am on 'funereal duties' this afternoon following the death of an old friend, so I will add Part II later.)