The Oklahoma tornado has provided a brief, if tragic, pause in the slow but steady prising open of the government scandals in America. I have been, and still am, somewhat short of time and frankly I can barely keep up with the latest developments. Nor can I judge which, in the end, will prove to be the most damaging to the Democrat party because each time I choose one, somethign else crops up in another which takes your breath away!
My favorite is still the Internal Revenue Service imbroglio in which during the run-up to a presidential election they targeted Right-wing groups for special investigation, in other words, the sort of behavior you would take for granted in some thrid world, Latin American dictatorship. The latest development is that a senior IRS executive due to be hauled up in front of a Congressional committee is likely to 'plead the Fifth' - how good will that look on prime-time TV?
The Benghazi affair may yet erupt some more if Roger L. Simon at PJ Media is correct in assuming that two new State Department whistleblowers are seeking legal advice before revealing amongst other things that the commander of the Africa-Command ordered units to move in support of the beleaguered consulate but his deputy was ordered to arrest him if the orders were not rescinded! Also, it is possible that part of what lay behind the attack was the fact that the State Department, not the CIA, had sold ground-to-air missiles to anti-Ghadaffi groups who had turned out to be linked to terrorists and part of teh reason why Ambassador Stevens was there was to try and get them back. If that ain't dynamite, I don't know what is!
The number of reporters who have now discovered they were subjected to secret government surveillance is growing by the day. The latest is the Washington Fox News team including their respected reporter James Rosen.
And as a last dollop of cream on this 'mess of potage', it looks like the whistle-blower who broke the story of the disasterous 'Fast and Furious' operation was deliberately smeared by Federal authorities.
The liquid, smelly brown stuff is slowly seeping under the door and teh stench is unavoidable!
(Sorry for typos but I'm in a hurry)