Diaries Magazine

Just Got Lucky?

By Synzmemoir @synzmemoir
Last November, I attended the coolest and the grandest blog conference here in Cebu, the Visayas Blogging Summit 2011. To be admitted to this event, one should create a blog post about it. Because I'm so eager to attend an event like this, I excitedly made mine. Later on, the organizer of the VBS2011 announced a contest for bloggers. This is to create a pre- and post-blog post about this amazing event.  Just for fun, I submitted my entry to VBS. 
Just Got Lucky? I don't know if it was just luck, but I won the 2nd Prize for the Pre-Blog Post Contest (Big Smile!). It was midnight of Jan5 when I receive a text message from the President of Cebu Bloggers (organizer of the event), that I won the 2nd prize for the pre-blog post contest. Since I was checking my emails that time, I eagerly check VBS' website to confirm it. My name was really there. 
Just Got Lucky? So by Saturday that week, I went to Ayala to claim my prize: a gift pack from GT Cosmetics, a gift certificate from Red Box, Maribago Bluewater and Hero Sausages worth P200 . ^_^ 
Just Got Lucky? Talking about winning, I wrote a blog post about being on the top 10 famous bloggers in Cebu last month. A few days after, the result was posted in our local newspaper. If not because of a friend who inform me about reading my name in Sunstar, I wouln't have known about it.
Winning a spot in the Top 10 Famous Bloggers and a 2nd Prize from Pre-Blog Post Contest, isn't it lucky?^_^

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