Hair & Beauty Magazine

June Favourites

By Yougottabegorgeousx @yougottabgorgex
OMG, it's July, what is this. It has come round so fast I actually forgot about it. This month I have a few new favorites so lets get into it.
June Favourites
First is the mascara I have been using, it's kind of strange but I have been using the brush from my Benefit Bad Gal with the formula from the Maybelling Illegal Length (Waterproof). I have had my mini travel sized Benefit Bad Gal for ever, and it has dried out and that makes me really sad. It is my favorite every mascara, so I have been mixing things up and using the brush from it with other formulas. I have just been using the Maybelline Illegal Lengths as I do like the formula but it is also waterproof and the British weather is very unpredictable.
I have also been loving my new Avon Super Shock Gel Liner in Steel. I have only had it for about a week but the shade is perfect when you want a little definition, but not so it's too harsh (like black). It also goes on really smoothly and lasts all day.
For my face I have been using the Dainty Doll blush in shade 2. This is such a gorgeous shade and suits me and my pale skin really well. It doesn't last the longest but it was on offer (have they stopped making Dainty Doll or something??) and it is really good quality.
My skin care of choice has been a soap/cleanser from Lush, I got this from my friend (Fe from beautylicious) for my birthday way back in January. And to be honest I never really knew quite how to use it. But now I have worked it out I truly love it. It isn't harsh at all, it is smooth and smells lovely. It gives me that clean feeling without my face feeling tight. I like to use this in the morning along with my Tea Tree Cleanser from Superdrug to wake me up. 
I have also really been loving filling my nails. As you do.
On with the Random Favourites...
So my favorite TV show has definitely been Breaking Bad, it is bloody amazing. I have done a full review on my second blog, read this here.
A song I have been loving is Another Love, Tom Odell. His voice is just amazing. I just love it. Like loads. I'm listening to it write now. It makes me cry. Another long term song love is Of Monsters of Men, Little Talks. Now that really makes me cry like a baby. You know when you have those days where you just cry all (ALLLL) the time? Well I first listened to that on one of those days. And I then made the mistake of looking up what the lyrics mean. And blooming heck. It's so emotional. Well it is for me. But is a bllody great song! 
What else...I've forgotten my favs because this song is so perfect.
I have been really like Of Mice and Men, we are reading it for English and it is a really good story I absolutely recommend it.
I also am into really tiny earrings. I don't know why but I am really into them, I have some coming up in a haul (should be up this week) so look out for that bad boy.
So that is all I can remember, sorry guys for going off on a bit of a tangent. On another (similar) note I also love Let Her Go, Passenger. Another great song. If you have any recommendations for music please let me know.
Thanks, see you soon.
Love Allie x x x x
P.s what have you been loving this month?
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