Only rice is rice, and calling 'riced vegetables' 'rice,' is misleading and confusing to consumers.
- Betsy Ward, president of industry lobby USA Rice, expressing frustration over the popularity of low-carb favorite, cauliflower rice
In case you missed any of these newsworthy stories, here is a wrap on the best recent real-food-more-fat headlines.
- The New York Times reports that the American Academy of Pediatrics revised its guidance on fruit juice, now advising NO juice in a child's first year. Finally-this recommendation should have been made years ago. Further, according to the AAP's report, fruit juice "has no role in healthy, balanced diets of children." Amen. For more on this topic, check out ETB post, "Juiced on Juice" from the archives.
- Baylor researchers report a low-carb diet is associated with less weight gain after menopause. Specifically, the analysis showed that post-menopausal women"who consumed the fewest carbohydrates had a significantly reduced risk of gaining 10 percent of their body weight over an eight-year period, whereas those who consumed the least fat had a significantly increased risk of gaining more than 10 percent of their body weight over that time period." Their report was published this month in the British Journal of Nutrition."
- Do the 2015 Dietary Guidelines remove the upper limit on dietary fat? It has been widely reported that the current set of guidelines remove the fat limit, but an intrepid RD MPH (repeatedly) asked the USDA to confirm this... and apparently the 35% upper limit still stands. Get the Alternative Fa(c)ts directly from Ms. Hite.
- The New York Times reviews Michael Ruhlman's new book, Grocery: The Buying and Selling of Food in America. In this excellent short excerpt in The Bellingham Herald, Ruhlman takes on the cereal aisle: "It's probably more accurate to call breakfast the most dangerous meal of the day. Not only because of the sugar in so many breakfast cereals, but also because the refined grains they're made of are virtually the same thing, once they reach your bloodstream."
- Apple CEO Tim Cook is (was?) reportedly experimenting with a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) device connected to his Apple watch. Apparently CGM is 'a thing' among some obsessively health conscious techies in Silicon Valley.
Want more?
Watch Eat The Butter's TEDx talk, " Take Back Your Plate. " A 19-minute call for a return to real, full-fat food. (PLEASE SHARE it with friends who are struggling with the low-fat paradigm.)
Read GQ's piece about the benefits Olympic track star Christian Taylor reaps from a low-carb diet. (Hint: performance & reduced joint pain.)
Check out how this mom, who was obese her whole life, failed at weight loss... until she found keto and lost 100 pounds. Or see what it looks like to lose 200 pounds in 16 months. Or learn about how this teenaged boy lost 125 pounds.
World obesity trends, visualized (in 40 seconds). Carbs in food, visualized... 20 grams and 50 grams. Visualize a nice list of ten super-healthy foods with a lot of fat-except they forgot butter 😁!
Is cauliflower the new kale? And why are cloud eggs flooding your Insta feed? Does race complicate the relationship between obesity and metabolic issues? Is chocolate good for your heart? Does SNAP contribute to obesity? Are activists and Big Food wasting billions fighting over soda taxes? Can a Cadbury Cream Egg analogy help you think about how much sugar is in your food? (Yes... and 'natural' juice is a big offender.) Should we worry about the plastic micro-contaminants in sea salt? What does the chef who taught Michael Pollan to cook have to say about the importance of mastering the four basics... Salt, Fat, Acid, and Heat? Why is it that new supermarkets built in food deserts don't always improve healthful food choice among neighborhood residents? Why should artificial trans fats (you know, the stuff in the margarine that was sold as a 'heart healthy alternative to butter for decades) be avoided, even in small quantities?
From the wall of shame
Finally, some fun with BUTTER...
Picnik butter coffee. More butter coffee shops. Lime basil butter (on lobster). Pretty herb butter. Bacon butter. Butter sculpture. Butter on burgers.
Happy June,
The Moms @ Eat the Butter
This news gathering is from our collaborator Jennifer Calihan, who also blogs at EatTheButter.org. Feel free to sign up for her newsletter.