Celeb Magazine
Lord, I guess when Steebie kept telling Ms. Hernandez that he 'saved' her, he was right. A new video has surfaced via WSHH (World Star Hip Hop) of Joseline, stripping, eating kitty, giving head, and doing all kinds of raunchy s*^t down to the strip club. I think this whole Love and Hip Hop stardom done went to her head and now shes facing a lawsuit from Althea, and the cast wants her kicked off the show. Joseline was allegedly seen smoking crack/cocaine out of a pipe before she went ape s*^t on her cast mates. (http://www.funkydineva.com/althea-is-taking-joseline-to-court-for-turning-the-love-and-hip-hop-reunion-into-wwe-summer-slam/) Anyhow, in true skank whore fashion, Luke can also be seen throughout the video and you know whenever there is some raunchy MsNasty stuff going on Luke isn't too far behind. Get into the video and let me know what you think...