so i have neglected this blog a little, i'm just trying to find my feet, i've started eating healthy and working out and ive joined in with the ToneItUp girls. I will explain if you don't know about it a bit further down the line.
so anyway back to the point:
today i am going to review the John Frieda collection of volume products. They very kindly sent me some products to try out. Now i know there is a lot more in the range but i'm reviewing the shampoo (john frieda luxurious volume touchable full shampoo*), conditioner (john frieda luxurious volume full conditioner*) and dry shampoo (john frieda luxurious volume volume refresh dry shampoo*).

so first of the shampoo, now this is not really my cup of tea, it's good, don't get me wrong, but i find that it just leaves my hair too greasy. Now i have extremely greasy hair, to the point where i have to wash it every day, i try not to, but i have to. so it made it feel too greasy.
When i put my other shampoo on first, gave my hair a good clean so that it was like squeaky clean before i used this. It was perfect. It gave it lots of volume and really did the job. I just can't use it as my only shampoo.
The conditioner was fantastic. I only put conditioner on the ends of my hair anyway, but it made my hair feel so silky and soft and actually detangled my hair as well, which i wouldn't have thought it did.
So when i dry my hair, most of the time naturally, but the occasional blow dry i get lots of volume. Not an unnatural amount either. So it doesn't look like i've been backcombing it for hours, it looks like its just got a natural wavy bounce to it (my hair is wavy too) .
The dry shampoo im in two minds about, it is very very good, it gets rid of excess grease, like a dry shampoo but then gives me a bit of extra volume, say for a particular hairstyle, but it leaves a very white spray in your hair, and it takes ages to comb it through and rub it and things. It would be great on a blonde hair, because you won't be able to see it, but on my dark brown hair it takes a lot of effort. when it's gone through it is brilliant!

to have a look at all the different products they do you can go to and they also do youtube videos and show you different tricks and techniques you can do with hair care
so i hope you like this review, what have you tried out of john frieda? do you like the brand?