In each shark tank, there were 6 sharks. The first minute, we (the chum) gave our elevator pitch and the remaining 19 minutes we received feedback and answered questions. After the shark tank, the chum moved on to 2 career counselors who were waiting to help me with additional counseling and feedback.
This was a great experience and I am really glad that I was able to swim with the sharks prior to my graduation in a few short weeks. I really do believe that it was some of the best career advice that I have ever received and it only lasted 20 short minutes! Here are some of the things I learned from the sharks:
- Don't be afraid to reach out to alumni to network - they want to help!
- Make sure you personality comes out in your resume and also the type of job you are looking for is clearly stated.
- When giving an elevator speech, make sure you say what you are looking for first rather than at the very end.
- Look at jobs that you are interested in on linkedin and use words from the job description on your resume.
- Find out your Myers Briggs personality type and use that to complete your resume. For example, I am a ISFJ so I can include in my resume that I am proactive team leader, helper, motivator and encourager. Find out more here.
(Photo credit: USFWS)