I suggest this because of the various bits and pieces of, mostly bad, news seeping across the channel and also a very interesting article by Joseph A. Harriss in The American Spectator today. He is their Paris correspondent so presumably he knows whereof he writes. He describes the almost literally crushing taxation inflicted by the socialist doctrinaire, Francois Hollande. Like all socialist regimes, his policies, whilst complying with Marxist dogma, lead to nothing except unemploymant, poverty and recession. The French tend not to put up with that sort of thing for too long:
I suspect that France is on the edge of something big and unpleasant. As the
late philosopher and political scientist Raymond Aron put it after the historic
riots of May 1968, “There is no evolution in France. Once in a while we have a
revolution.” This May marks the 45th anniversary of the uprising that rocked the
country for six weeks and brought Charles de Gaulle’s eventual downfall. It’s
impossible to say what might ignite the next explosion, or when.
To which, as I wait impatiently for the EU to implode, I can only say, "Tôt, mes amis, pas plus tard!" which roughly translates as 'sooner, my friends, not later!'