Diet & Weight Magazine

It's Been a Long Time....

By Veganfitnesscompetitor
It's been a long time.  The competition was 1.5 years ago, and I've been really struggling since.  I just went crazy after dieting, and it never stopped.
I reached out to Robyn for help, and she suggested keeping a journal.  I'm amenable to trying new things, because doing the status quo is not working.
Today went well.  I started fresh on this Monday.  I had pumpkin with cinnamon and a protein shake in the morning before I left the house.  When I got to work I had a bit of a banana and some water.

Then I had my 2nd meal at 10 AM, and had protein shake, half a small banana, and some broccoli. 

I made good choices at lunch.  Instead of loading up with the carby messes that I've been doing recently, I made the A-line to the salad bar.  Primarily lettuce, kidney beans, grape tomatoes, sunflower seeds, and then I got some grilled celery and red peppers on top of my salad to flavor it up a bit.  

It was delicious, and so much more satisfying than eating everything in site and feeling bloated and huge after eating.  I also took some broccoli for the afternoon and later in the day.  I think tomorrow I'll take tomatoes for later, I really like tomatoes. 

I was feeling antcy around 2 PM, I'm starting to do sugar and junk withdrawal, which I remember from when I first started dieting for the competition.  I had half of a mazto and probably 20 almonds.  Then around 4 PM I had more protein shake and more broccoli, which tied me over until after I got home from the gym.

The gym was intense.  Legs and chest.  It was hot and muggy in the gym, and I was wearing my long-sleeved t-shirt over my tank, because I'm not at my best right now in my mid-section (mid-life watch out!).

Came home, fed Lux.  Then had some protein shake and more broccoli to tide me over for the hour walk with Lux.

Then after the walk, I sauteed an onion and added a torfurkey sausage, and then had it with a bit of refried beans.  It was overall very tasty.

I'm exhausted.  I'm excited for tomorrow!  

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