
Is Your Bed a Pain?

Posted on the 10 January 2014 by Sharon Dalzell @Dalzells_Beds

Did you wake up this morning with aches and pains? Well, you’re not alone. Recent research by the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) found that nearly one in three people experience back and neck pain after a night’s sleep. The survey also found that one third (33 per cent) of people only change their mattress once every ten years, despite recommendations by The Sleep Council to do so every seven.

BCA chiropractor Tim Hutchful said: “How often you should change a mattress depends on lots of factors including your weight and how well you have cared for your mattress. But as soon as a mattress stops supporting your back it’s vital you get a new one. A mistake that people often make when choosing a new mattress is thinking the firmer the better – this is not always true – one bed does not fit all.”

Is Your Bed a Pain?

Further research by the Furniture Industry Research Association found that beds may have deteriorated by as much as 70% from their ‘as new’ state after 10 years. It also showed that beds as little as six years old could offer significantly less support and comfort than a new one, thanks to wear and tear not just from body weight and movement but also sweat and debris such as skin, scales, hair etc.

Signs that your mattress is not at its best

1.    You wake up feeling stiff or aching, with noticeable back or neck pain
2.    You had a better night’s sleep in a different bed
3.    Your mattress is sagging or looking worn
4.    Your mattress creaks when you move
5.    You can feel individual springs which may or may not protrude from the mattress

Is Your Bed a Pain?

It may be time for a new bed!

How to look after your back when sleeping 

Even after buying a new mattress and bed it’s worth trying to adopt a sleeping position which creates less physical stress on the back.  Lie either on your back or side and avoid sleeping on your front.  If you lie on your side, ensure that the pillow and mattress allows your head, neck and spine to be parallel to the floor with no bowing or sagging. The BCA also advises that you keep well hydrated; dehydration can make muscles ache. It’s also best not to jump out of bed straight away. Give your body some time to wake and then try some gentle stretches to give yourself time to wake up properly.

Is Your Bed a Pain?

What to do next

Stocking a wide range of leading bed brands, Armagh and Dalzell’s of Markethill has an extensive selection of firm, medium and soft mattress options to help you find the optimum level of support for your back pain needs. With over 500 beds in stock including orthopedic beds and adjustable beds from leading brands KaymedKing Koil, RespaDorlux Slumber NightMyers and Staples there’s something for everyone at Dalzell’s. What’s more, we offer a Free Delivery service and Free Recycling of Your Old Bed across Northern Ireland and Counties Louth, Monaghan and Dublin, with competitive rates across the rest of Ireland.

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