Business Magazine

Is It Time For a Career Change? Take My Career Satisfaction Quiz

Posted on the 24 July 2014 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

One of my biggest regrets is staying far too long in a job that just didn’t fit me.  I tried really, really hard to make it work and get ahead.  It wasn’t until I realized that if you are actually in a job you love, it’s not tough and you don’t have to work so hard to succeed. You will be more successful when you are in a career that fits you and makes you happy. You don’t have to push and push and push. When you find the right career it just fits and is so rewarding and fulfilling.

So I want to encourage you not to stay any longer in a job that isn’t the right fit for you. Don’t keep going to a job everyday that is not challenging without taking a little bit of action everyday to make a change.

But, maybe you aren’t sure if it is time to make a career change.  I know at many times in my career I thought I was on the right path but I just wasn’t sure.  So is it time for you to make a career change? Make sure you scroll down to the bottom of this post to download my brand new Career Satisfaction Quiz!

Here are a five FOR SURE signs that it is time to step up and make a career change:

1) You are not valued, rewarded or appreciated.  

If you feel like you are working your butt off and no one is noticing, it might be time for a career change. Maybe you have asked for a raise multiple times and you are continually shot down. No one realizes how much work you do even though you try to promote yourself and share all of your accomplishments.

2) You are not challenged anymore.

If there is no opportunity for growth in your current job, then it might be time for a career change. If you feel stagnant and you don’t have motivation to learn more, it’s time to move on. Maybe you are doing the same thing everyday and you aren’t learning anything new. This is a huge sign you need a change because you don’t want to be stuck doing the same boring thing everyday. Eventually, you will become an expert at it and you won’t be challenging yourself to learn more and grow. You want to be continually growing and challenging yourself to learn something new in your career.

3) You don’t trust your company.

If your company is doing something sneaky and you don’t like what you see or hear, it might be time for a change. Maybe behind the scenes there are some rumors going around about your company. These rumors are big red flags that it might be time to start looking for a new career. You want to be ahead of the curve if something fishy is going on.

4) You have lost your excitement and passion for you job.

You should be enjoying what you do. Your job will get boring very quickly if you don’t have any excitement or passion for your job. Life is too short to not be excited about what you get to do everyday.  You want to be excited when you wake up every morning instead of dreading the day. It truly is possible to have work that really excites you.

5) You just know in your gut.

The fact that you are reading this post is actually another sign it is time for a career change!  Trust your gut!

So I also have something fun for you today. It is a quiz I put together for you to really tell if you are satisfied with your current career or if it is time to make a career change.

Want my Career Satisfaction Quiz that goes along with this post?  Click here to download my Career Satisfaction Quiz.

Have you made a big career change?  How did you know it was the right time to change?

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7 Steps to Get Out of a Job You HATE and Into a Career You LOVE Fast

These are the exact same steps I used to transition into a career I love (and that I have taught to hundreds of women who transitioned into fulfilling careers in 90 days or less).

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