Fitness Magazine

Introducing PulsePointe Barre | The Story Behind The Journey

By Laurenegeorge
Howdy Friends,
How are you? I've been a little lot MIA from the blog world lately because I've been working on a big huge project! I've poured my heart and soul into this endeavor for the the past few months, and I can't even begin to describe how excited I am to finally share it with the world!
A few months back, I told you guys about the continuing education workshops I was launching. I received such a great response to those, that I decided it was time to pursue my full dream of creating a barre certification!
This whole journey really began over 8 years ago when I first started teaching Pilates at Texas A&M. I had just fractured my sacrum from over training, and needed a lower impact exercise to keep me in shape. I tried Pilates, absolutely loved it, and got certified shortly after that. I continued teaching Pilates throughout college and grad school. Then, in 2011, I discovered barre! To say I was immediately hooked would be an understatement. I took classes all throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex trying to lean as much as I could about this exciting new format. After a couple of months of taking classes, I took my first barre certification and began teaching multiple classes per week.
I had been teaching group fitness classes for 4+ years at this point, but nothing made me as excited to teach as barre! I loved coming up with new choreography, refining my cueing skills, and seeing my students improve. I continued to take barre classes from other instructors, pursued 8 additional Pilates and barre certifications, and refined my craft. I sought to combine the fun factor and cardio elements that I loved from group fitness, the amazing lower body workout from barre, and the killer core strengthening abilities of Pilates to create my own barre format. My goal was to have my students leave class drenched in sweat, smiling, and feeling like they got a total body workout while having the time of their lives!
Introducing PulsePointe barre | The Story Behind The Journey
As I moved from Dallas to Florida State University, I was excited to bring barre to FSU. When I started to look into getting my instructors certified, I was disappointed to find that many of the barre certifications were either too expensive, not the up beat barre class we were looking for, or not offered in our area. I had students that I knew would make amazing barre instructors, but no way to get them certified.
After moving back to Austin, and diving into teaching barre 8+ times a week, I decided it was the perfect time to combine my love of barre and Pilates and my passion for mentoring other instructors into a power packed barre certification. Thus, PulsePointe barre was born!
Introducing PulsePointe barre | The Story Behind The Journey
My goal in creating PulsePointe barre was to offer a high quality, creative, and fun educational experience at an affordable price so everyone can have the opportunity to fall in love with teaching barre like I have!

PulsePointe barre is an innovative and challenging barre experience that seamlessly weaves together traditional muscle-sculpting barre choreography with exhilarating cardio segments to define and challenge the body in a whole new way. PulsePointe takes barre to the next level by matching each segment with upbeat music to motivate and energize your class from start to finish! By utilizing the unique PulsePointe barre class blueprint, you can mix and match the barre segments using your own creativity to deliver a rock solid class every time! 

Introducing PulsePointe barre | The Story Behind The Journey
After months and months of praying, working on educational material, getting approved by ACE & AFAA, developing a website, creating logos, etc. etc., I am beyond excited that it is finally time to start sharing PulsePointe barre with the world!
So what makes PulsePointe barre different from other barre certifications?

  • PulsePointe barre strives to offer high quality certifications at an affordable price.
  • No licensing fees.
  • Every participant who completes the 8 hour primary instructor training course will receive 8 AFAA and .8 ACE CEU's, a comprehensive instructor manual with choreography snapshots, PulsePointe barre Class Blueprints, and a certificate of completion. 
  • Learn how to use music to enhance your class, motivate your students, and take the fun factor to the next level!
  • High energy cardio segments will take your class to the next level and give your students a cardiovascular and muscular strength & endurance workout all in one! 
  • Easy to implement choreography and class blueprints will have you ready to teach challenging, well balanced, and creative classes in no time! We take the guesswork out of class planning while still allowing you to come up with your own choreography. 
Introducing PulsePointe barre | The Story Behind The Journey
For more information on PulsePointe barre, upcoming workshops, and video demonstrations of exercises, please visit our website at! If you think this is something your would like to bring to your facility, we are currently scheduling workshops for late summer and fall of 2015. Feel free to email us at [email protected]
Throughout this process, I have received so much amazing support from my family, friends, and the online fitness community! I could not have done it without each and every one of you! I am so excited to see where this new journey takes me and to share the barre and Pilates love far and wide!
Introducing PulsePointe barre | The Story Behind The Journey
Linking up for Workout Wednesday and Wild Workout Wednesday!
For my barre lovers out there, what made you first fall in love with barre?
In health,
Introducing PulsePointe barre | The Story Behind The Journey Introducing PulsePointe Barre Story Behind Journey Introducing PulsePointe Barre Story Behind Journey

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