We are surrounded by people and things that can influence our behavior in life. The reality is, we live in times that there are a lot of outside influences that could put us on the wrong path, in both our personal and professional life. And many people do go the wrong way; good people too, and it often destroys part or their entire life.
Integrity is one of those things, that you either have it or you don’t. To me there is no middle ground. Having integrity is key to loyalty and if you don’t have loyalty and integrity, others are going to see that in you, and you’ll appear not trustworthy.
None of us are perfect. Perhaps you have done some things in life that you might not be proud of. Can you turn things around? Of course you can! But you need to make the necessary changes and understand that having integrity is not just an action, it’s a lifestyle, a habit, a consistent pattern of behavior. It’s willing to stand up, stand out and do what’s right, even at times doing it alone.