Diet & Weight Magazine

Instead of Weight-Loss Surgery

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1
Before and after

Before and after

The other week I got an e-mail from Linda Börjes, who had started to google gastric bypass surgery, but instead got lucky and found LCHF through friends.

Here’s her story:


I’ve done all the diets… soups, Weight Watchers etc… When the scale displayed 265 lbs (120 kg) I had already given up… started to search and google gastric bypass surgery. Then friends of mine adopted an LCHF diet. One of my friends thought I should try and gave me advice and suggestions. Told me what groceries to get and what to eat.

In late February, 2012, I began to eat LCHF. I was very skeptical about the concept of eating fat and losing weight! By that time, my friend had been on an LCHF diet for almost two months and she became my coach.

In December that same year, I reached my goal; 176 lbs (80 kg)! I had, without exercise or any effort, lost 88 lbs (40 kg) in 10 months while eating good food!

Another year has gone by and my new goal is to get a tighter body and maintain my weight. I’m still 176 lbs (80 kg), work out 5 times a week and I love my new lifestyle with LCHF :)

Sincerely, Linda Börjes

Congratulations, Linda!


LCHF for Beginners

How to Lose Weight

More success stories

More on weight-loss surgery


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