Hair & Beauty Magazine

Inspiration Nation: Purple Waterfall

By Pinkandpolished
Hi cupcakes :) 

I've got another Inspiration Nation post for you all today. I really really enjoy looking at all of the beautiful and creative nail art that's circling the interwebz. Everyone has their own style and own amazing ideas. The best part of not know what to do on my nails is having the advantage of looking around... I mean seriously all you have to do is type in nails to google and you get 73895794379 million results. It's amazing! I've got a bunch of blogs that I follow.. and I always love finding new ones so if you've got a blog you want me to know about here's your chance! Let me know in the comments what it is and I'll be sure to head right over :) Anyways, one of the very first blogs I ever followed was Sammy at The Nailasaurus. She is one of the reasons I fell in love with nail art, her designs are just so damn good! Recently she did a new type of nail art which she calls the waterfall, I won't try to explain it to you because she put up a really great tutorial which you can see HERE, but basically you take your nail art brush and do simple, quick strokes from the nail bed towards the tip and it creates a waterfall-esque effect. It's quite stunning. So she's where I take my inspiration from today because I've tried some waterfall nails of my own!To get this look I started with a base of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls and then painted two coats of ORLY Glowstick and then used Lime Crime Lavendairy, Maybelline Color Show Iced Queen, Maybelline Color Show Plum Paradise, and Sally Hansen Golden-I for the stripes. 

Inspiration Nation: Purple Waterfall
Inspiration Nation: Purple Waterfall
Inspiration Nation: Purple Waterfall
It's not nearly as crisp as any of hers but I'd say it's a pretty solid first try ;) I really love the effect though, it's so simple really but it can look so complex at the same time. Oooh look at me getting all deep and stuff! LOL But really, I know I'll be revisiting this nail art soon because it's addicting! 

Don't forget to tell me about your blogs guys! I don't usually allow links in my comments but link away today!! :) 

Thanks so much chickies

Inspiration Nation: Purple Waterfall

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