When Little Mr A was a toddler I attended a craft session run by Sure Start where we made lots of props for nursery rhymes. We loved sitting to sing the rhymes with the crafts and I thought it would be nice to make some for Little Miss A too.
First on my list was Incy Wincy Spider and here's how we made it...

1. Cut a circle from the black card and 8 legs.

2. Stick the legs onto the circle with glue to get your spider shape.

3. Turn over the spider and stick on the googly eyes and draw a mouth with your chalk.

4. Cut a small strip from the bottom of the red card and stick this onto the back of your spider with double sided tape.

5. Fold the remaining sheet of red card (A4 sized or thereabouts) in half lengthways then cut down the fold.

6. Use double sided tape to stick the top and bottom of the two pieces of red card together.

7. Place the spider through the two pieces of red card using the red strip you have attached to him.

8. Cut a circle from the yellow card to make a sun and a small strip to attach it to the drainpipe.

9. Stick together the sun and the yellow strip.

10. Push one of the brads through the back of the drainpipe and attach the end of the yellow strip to the brad before folding down.

11. Cut a cloud shape from your grey card together with a strip of card and repeat steps 9 and 10.

That's it! You should now have Incy Wincy Spider who can climb up the drainpipe ('spout') together with a sun and raincloud which you can pull out from the side as you sing the song!

Stay at Home Mum to two children - Little Mr A born in 2008 and Little Miss A born in 2012. Blogging my way through dirty nappies and school runs!