Diet & Weight Magazine

In One Year…

By Fitnessmeetsfrosting @fitnessfrosting

Whoops. I just looked at the last time I blogged and it was in January…

Some things have changed (exercise-wise) since then, and I am actually NOT getting back into running. Kyle and I decided to join a gym (back at the end of January). We used to lift weights together back in college, and we were missing those workouts (he hates running).

Which brings me to my next topic- the reason for joining a gym (other than increasing fitness, improving health, increasing strength, blah, blah, blah) we have a certain event that we want to look our best for…

In exactly one year from today, I will be marrying the love of my life!

In one year…

christmas card 2015 kyle and me

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Nothing like a wedding dress and fitted suit in front of 100+ people to motivate you to drop a few lbs 😉

So that running- With work, school, wedding planning, and gym workouts, training for a long distance race just wasn’t in the cards for this year. Weight lifting it is!

I should mention that I’m still running, but instead of sticking to a training plan, I go for shorter runs (2-7 miles) on some of our “off” (gym) days. It’s nice not having to stick to a running schedule and just run for fun!

Happy 1 year pre-anniversary Kyle! (that’s a thing, right?) 😉

Do you prefer running or weight lifting?

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