Life Coach Magazine

If My Dad Was A Politician

By Beersting @beersting

“And if you get in any trouble, all you got to do is say “my father” and that’s it, all your troubles are gone.”, Said Locke to Jaime Lannister in the 3rd episode of season 3 of Game of Thrones. I would have been in similar place as Jaime if my father was a politician, because politics and power goes hand in hand in India or almost every other country for that instance.

But is that really all having a father in politics mean? For most of the onlooker, it might seem all but there’s really too much underneath to  unearth. No matter how much politics is criticized as a job, but it’s one of the most important job one can perform to serve the society and the people in general. Politicians don’t live for themselves but for the betterment of their society. They take an oath to dedicate their service toward people and they solemnly do. Though there are a lot of people responsible for defaming this dignified job, I’ll consider a world full of good-hearted politicians who work to serve their nation rather than their pocket in my ‘if’ world.

If my dad was a politician,

I would have lived to serve my nation.

I would have been living with a shadow overhead,

Been sleeping with a cloud above my bed,

To just do a deed as good as my dad,

Present to the world a new way to lead.

 This post is written for the Weekend Contest in association with Shoes of The Dead at

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