Humor Magazine

'If Irony Be the Food of Humour, Give Me Excess of It'!

By Davidduff

Yes, yes, I know, cod Shakespeare (sorry Will!) but today I have a huge, 'gi-normous' dollop of irony, enough for me to surfeit on for weeks!  You see, that 'solitary, nasty, (Leftish), brutish and short' little thug who runs Venezuela (sorry, Hobbes, old chap!) is dying of cancer in a Cuban hospital.  Truly now it may be said that 'El Presidente-Comisario' Chavez is dying for his beliefs.  Being (allegedly) a true red Marxist he has swallowed whole the lying lie, which was helped on its way round the world by the lying liars' lying liar of choice, Michael Moore, that Cuba's socialist health service is terrific, one might almost suggest that it has taken over from our very own, dearly beloved Nationalised Health Service as being "the envy of the world".  The fact, of course, is that the Cuban health service is total crap, as reported by

Cuba by contrast, remains substandard, with average Cubans forced to bring  their own bandages, water and sheets to hospitals that haven't seen repairs in  years.

Recent reports say Cuba cut medical spending from $209 million in 2009 to  $190 million last year — "bending the cost curve" by giving less care. Sound  familiar?

When Chavez was first diagnosed with cancer he was offered the services of the Sirio-Libanese Hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil which is considered to be a world leader in cancer treatments.

His expected demise will be entirely due to his gullibility to leftist  propaganda and bad choices that came of it.

"In July 2011, during (a)... summit in Caracas, Brazil's President, Dilma  Rousseff, told a few of her colleagues — in private — that Chavez was likely to  die as a result of 'his excessive paranoia rather than as a consequence of his  serious — yet treatable — cancer,'" wrote Venezuelan consultant Pedro Burelli in  a newsletter.

"What she meant to say," Burelli added, "was that by choosing secrecy in Cuba  over medical competence at the Sirio-Libanese Hospital in Sao Paulo (where she  had been treated successfully for lymphatic cancer) Chavez had condemned himself  to a shorter life."

Perhaps he was conned by Michael Moore's 1998 propaganda film, Sicko, which praised 'Castro-Care' to the heavens.  If so, it is obvious that one lying liar couldn't spot another even if they were both together on a desert island!

As Chavez suffers through four surgeries in Cuba, it's instructive to note it  was the Brazilian hospital — a teaching institution with top-of-the-line  tomotherapy equipment, 2,000 doctors, and a record of success for beating cancer  — that cured Rousseff as well as then-President Fernando Lugo of Paraguay. But  it gets no recognition from the likes of Moore, who still promotes CastroCare on  his Web site, while ignoring the private U.S. hospitals the Brazilians model  themselves after.

To be fair, Chavez is far from being the worst of South American gangsters masquerading as national saviours but even so, he had choices and he took one - and you know what those beastly American gringos say about giving a sucker an even break - "Never"!


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