Fashion Magazine

I’m Back! | Where’d You Go | Did You Leave For Good?

By Heather Hahn @HeatherHahnn


I hope you guys are well and have been doing great. Sorry i’ve literally been Miss. MIA { missing in action } over here.

This never happens and I want to apologize, and let you know that this won’t be happening ever again, or at least I hope not.

Recently, i’ve been getting a ton of emails, tweets, messages, saying “where did you go”, “are you done blogging”, “why hasn’t a new post been up”, “you’re tweeting, but not blogging…why?”, and so it begins…

I love this blog with all of my heart, and have literally put so much time, and energy into it, since it was started in 2012. I gave up nights of going out with friends partying, having an overall good time, and I would multi-task in between jobs just to put up new blog posts, so with that being said that I even risked my jobs at the time, I will keep this up forever, and ever.

When you put so much of your own heart and soul into something, you never ever ever give up, and always keep on going.

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So, with that being said, just around this time last year, I was randomly diagnosed with an “under-active thyroid“, which is called “hypothyroidism“.

I won’t go too much into detail of what “hypothyroidism” is, because I am not a physician, but it has to deal with your thyroid gland.

When I was diagnosed with it, I kind of just brushed it off, and thought, “Oh, this will go away with time”, which is what most of us think half of the time.

As a year has gone by, i’ve had no problems with my health, nothing out of the ordinary, up until now.

Just about a few weeks ago, I started feeling very very tired, like I couldn’t even get out of bed, even though I slept 10 hours. I felt like I really had to push myself, and give myself that extra energy just to do the things that I needed to get done. I also started to develop, chest pains, no motivation, finding it really hard to concentrate, and even a slight bit of memory loss, and yes I am only 23 years old.

This is the most awful feeling on the planet, believe me.

Below, I created a YouTube video for you guys to watch on my channel, and hopefully this will clear up some reasons of why I have been feeling, the way that I have, and why the blog posts have literally been so slow.

If you think that you might have “Hypothyroidism“, I have included links in the YouTube description that includes, symptoms, as well as possible treatment.

Thank you guys so much for sticking with me, during this time, and I can’t wait to get better!

Your support means the world to me.

I’m Back! | Where’d You Go | Did You Leave For Good?

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