Business Magazine

I Love My Career Case Study- Carolina: “I Got New Clients & Launched My Business!”

Posted on the 09 January 2015 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

Welcome to the “I Love My Career” series which aims to celebrate women (and my clients) who are stepping up and making HUGE leaps in their careers and businesses. I love sharing the real and raw truth of what it takes to achieve success. One of the reasons I love my job is that I get to help other women make an impact in the lives of others INTERNATIONALLY. Today I get to share the story of the results that Carolina Martins, from Chile, had after we worked together. We had multiple Skype calls together to make sure that she achieved her business goals. I love how my clients are knocking it out of the park and not letting fear hold them back! Read on to get inspired! 

1) Tell us about the new business you started that you love!

I started my company, Percepciones, to help managers and supervisors improve their leadership skills. I completed one workshop successfully over the summer and that is how I landed two new clients! I have another workshop planned this week and I already have 20 confirmed participants. All of these participants in the workshop are potential prospects. I am really excited at the progress I have made. I am advertising my workshop in the newspaper, radio and local TV. I also have two current proposals I am working on for new business as well! I am getting results.

2) What do you think made the biggest difference in getting your new business off the ground?

I had to lose the fear and improve my confidence. The first workshop, I wasn’t so confident. But now that I have done it once, I know I can do it better. Now I can see the type of future that I want so I know that I need to get outside my comfort zone.

3) What helped you get over the fear and doubt?

I am very excited but at the same time always still facing that fear. You don’t lose the fear, you confront it. I now know that the results are worth it and I will always move forward even with the fear.

4) How did Anna and her coaching help you find a career you love?

Working with Anna is like the like having the drops of water needed for a seed to sprout. With her coaching program I realize that I already had the tools that I needed to start my own company. Anna is definitely great at helping other women find their path.

I’m proud to say that with her support I’m now ending this year with my company, PERCEPCIONES, open for business and happy to be working on my dream job.

Since I started working with Anna, I landed new clients! The main part that Anna helped me with was building up my self-confidence to start a business on my own. I have been working at my day job for a long time and with her coaching sessions, I realized what I really wanted in the future was to be in charge of my own income. Originally, I was really really confused about how to start my business without losing my day job.  I had an actual job so I was scared. But now I know I have nothing to lose. I feel energized working on my own business and planning the future of my company.

6) Lastly, do you have any other advice to women who want to start a business they love too?

Have a plan B just in case. Becoming an entrepreneur is an adventure.

I would also give the advice to trust your instincts. For me, this is all about losing the fear and realizing that I am not going to be making the same income as my day job at first. But I can now make my own choices and I don’t depend on another person to set the rules. I also don’t depend on someone else to set the limits of where I can work and when. In my case now, I set the rules now. I can do what I want without having to confirm with another person or get validation from my boss. From my own experiences, it looks like I have been making the right choices by the success of my new business!!

Note from Anna: Want what Carolina is having?  Click here to access Anna’s brand new free video training to help you build a profitable, freedom-based business in 90 days or less, The Corporate Rescue Plan.

I Love My Career Case Study- Carolina: “I got new clients & launched my business!”



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