I am feeling SO much better today!! I actually had a WONDERFUL day today! Work was so unbelievably productive, I left work with only 7 emails in my inbox. I have a goal to get certain things done at work before the holidays so that I’m not stressing about it when I should be enjoying time with friends family and my lovely significant other. So, I’m on a roll to accomplish that! I can’t wait to see what I get done tomorrow, I hope I’m in the same super-productive mood that I was in today.Today was also AMAZE-BALLS in terms of my meals!! Since it’s Wednesday, I’m going to share “What I Ate Wednesday” even though I didn’t take any pictures…Breakfast @ 9am – 6 meatballs, 6 sweet potato wedges and a vegetable mixture which included baby corn, snap peas, edamame, green beans, yellow beans and carrotsLunch @ 2pm (I wasn’t hungry until this time! J) – the rest of my leftover Creamy Tarragon Chicken that I made Sunday night, some organic butternut squash soup (it was FREEZING in my office today so I needed something to warm me up) and some raw organic cherry tomatoes and raw cucumber slices.Dinner @ 7pm - I got home around this time from a fun workout I did today (I will touch base on this after I’m done telling you what I ate) and since C is sick, he didn’t want dinner, actually, I forced him to eat chicken noodle soup because he hadn’t ate all day… anyways, I raided the fridge, literally. There was some fresh produce that I know was going to go bad soon so I whipped up some sort of green stir fry which consisted of a quarter of a Spanish onion, butter, lemon grass, parsley, sliced brussel sprouts and baby bok choy. I added a splash of chicken broth, garlic powder and a few red chilli pepper flakes and then added some chicken I had left over and put it over some rice and it was SO GOOD. I wish I had snapped some photos because it was a lot of different shades of green, would have been cool. I was too hungry I suppose.Oh ya, I even took a pass on a slice of cake today… BONUS points!I’ve been drinking a ton of water today along with some 100% organic cranberry juice. Do you know how disgusting 100% cranberry juice is? I dilute it so it’s like 25% juice, 75% water and it still makes my face go funny. First like this..

Then like this..

It’s not pretty, thank goodness I’m hidden in my cubicle all day. Anyways, the point is that I kept myself well hydrated today and that’s always something to brag about. OH! And I haven’t had coffee in like…… 2.5 days!! WHAT! I know, honestly I don’t know how I still have energy? Maybe I’ll give up on coffee all together and just have tea? That seems to be working J. This past weekend the Chopra Yoga Studio opened on Queen’s Quay here in Toronto and it’s literally a ten minute walk from me. When you go there for the first time the class is free so I decided to do.. wait for it… HOT YOGA tonight!!!!!!! I totally did it, finally!! I’ve been saying how I need to just go and do it and I usually come up with an excuse not to go, but I finally did it and it was waaaaaay easier than I had worked it up to be in my mind. I wore my Canada Goose jacket and I think filling out the waiver in the jacket made me more hot than the actual class. Anyways, I got there and filled out the waiver. I had to borrow a yoga mat, thank goodness they have like 100 in stock. Class was free which was a bonus, but I had left my water bottle at work so had to buy a bottle. It wasn’t cold but it wasn’t an issue. She gave me a tour of the studio, and away I went. I laid out the mat and the mat towel which they also lent me, and laid in corpse pose until the instructor came in. I was definitely getting a bit warm just lying there but it felt so good because I was freezing cold all day long. The class actually wasn’t as hot as I thought it would have been. I didn’t use the towel I borrowed in case I sweat, and I only drank half a bottle of water. By the end of the class I wasn’t even sweating, I was just nice and warm. There was one point when I felt a drip come to my chin, but that was the only time. I really enjoyed the class, it was Hot Hatha. The instructor was so cool, and he adjusted my body many times to help me out which I always appreciate. Yoga always reminds me how tight my lower body is. It’s getting better, but my hips are the worst. My hips actually used to be the most flexible things on my body when I was in dance. Even in yoga I’ve done before, hip openers were a joke for me because they were so flexible. Not anymore! I think I need a physio or chiro to adjust my right hip. Maybe.It was so cold when I got out of the room I instantly wanted a big hoodie around me. My Canada Goose coat did fine. I walked on home and then made my fabulous dinner that I mentioned above.Good day today, huh?Anyways, I’m off to do some reading and note taking for schooling purposes. What did you do to get your sweat on today?Stay healthy,