Like I did last Friday....yes, the other volunteers were too intimidated to stand next to me.
Yes - I totally sparkled it up.

My trusty cheer kit in tow.

But the kids loved it...especially mine. And I don't care if the other parent and grandparent volunteers were too embarrassed to work with me. They could have been shaking their pompoms, cheering at the top of their lungs and BEING THERE FOR THE KIDS not for their vanity. Kids love color and I am one hell of a colourful person. I'd rather not stand next to someone who is only volunteering for the sake of volunteering and not actually giving their heart to be there.

and fourth grade boys are ROUGH. I ended up with bruises on the palm of my hand from high fiving.

I loved it and I'll do it again and again and again. and if it embarrasses my teenage kids to have me do it - I'll go volunteer with the littles. But, knowing my girls, they'll be the teens in the sparkle skirts having a ball out there.