Yes, indeed, no wonder all my Aussie e-pals were unable to wake up the other morning, they'd obviously been partying away to the wee small hours as only Aussies can in their own inimitable style. And they had much to celebrate given the news that at last not only has their government done away with the ridiculous carbon tax but now their Labour party opposition has bitten the bullet and agreed not to reintroduce it should they get back into government.
Meanwhile, 'up over here', Owen Paterson MP, the former Environment Secretary sacked by 'Even Dimmer Than Usual' Dave, has warned that unless the Climate Change Act of 2008 is scrapped the lights really will go out all over Britain. Dave must be hoping that he can scrape through this winter without any major black-outs into which the Tory party will disappear and UKIP shine like a herald's beacon!
If Rochester falls to the 'Kippers', there is a bungle with an ebola-infected immigrant, the euro-zone goes tits up and the country is blacked out, the very real question arises as to whether the normally ruthless Tory party will do what they're so good at - knifing Tory prime ministers in the back. "If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well, it were done quickly" because then there would be time - just! - for a new leader plausibly to backtrack on old policies and cut a deal with the 'Kippers' before facing the electorate.
Well, a man may dream, may he not?